Sunday, Sep 29th

weedsThis week, the New York Post reported that Scarsdale's "Pot Mom" Andrea Sanderlin who was arrested for growing and selling marijuana in a Queens warehouse, had found religion. Her lawyer Corey Winograd is asking Judge Brian Cogan to spare her from serving jail time, now that she is an active congregant at church.

Scarsdale poetess and author of "100 Days of Scarsdale Satire," Deborah Skolnik finds levity in Sanderlin's turn from smoke to scripture. Here's an original poem on the transformation.

Scarsdale's famous Pot Mom
insists she's changed indeed.
Now she's growing in her faith,
instead of growing weed.

She's at church on the regular;
the folks there say she's humble.
They've asked the court to kindly
try to overlook her stumble.

Her lawyer says she shouldn't
"be defined by her crime."
(Of course he's also angling
for her to get less time!)

He's asking that we try to see her
through a different lens,
forgetting her old mansion
and her sleek Mercedes Benz.

Perhaps this carefully made display
of regret and repentance
will actually help our old pal to
achieve a lighter sentence.

Then she can come back to the 'Dale
and take a look around,
and inhale (then quickly exhale!)
and report on what she's found:

"More stores have closed,skolnikheadshot
the taxes rose,
the Homestead Act got shot.
I think the 'Dale, not I,
am now the one who's gone to pot!"

Read more of Skolnik's hilarious reflections on life in the dale in her book, "100 Days of Scarsdale Satire."

adrienneAre you or your kids curious about what it takes to learn to code? A Scarsdale High School grad was just interviewed about her experience learning to code by builtinNYC, an online community for NYC start-ups. Adrienne Fishman, SHS class of '10, is now a software engineer at the news website BuzzFeed in New York. Here is what Adrienne Fishman and Andrew Hogue, the Senior VP of Engineering at Foursquare said about what they wish they knew when learning to code:

Here is the article, as it appears on

There is no right way to learn how to code. Coding is a skill like any other — it incorporates language learning, problem solving and creativity. There's grammar and vocabulary to master, processes to work through and craftsmanship to hone.

This is why we've recently seen a swell of coding schools, bootcamps and interactive programs pop up that allure us with the promise of digital dexterity.

Coding is a means of communicating ideas and inventions, and in the face of the frustrating, lonely and tedious process that is learning how to do this, you must be determined and persevere.

In order to alleviate some of this pain, we caught up with some of of New York tech's top engineers to find out what they wish they knew while learning to code.andrewhogue

Adrienne Fishman is a full-time software engineer at BuzzFeed who started working for the company in 2013 as a product management intern. Over time, she learned how to code and worked her way up the media giant's ranks into her current position.

Andrew Hogue is the Senior Vice President of Engineering at Foursquare, leading the company's world-class engineering team that's turning ideas into reality. During his time at the company, Andrew has headed up Foursquare's search team, responsible for big data applications like Explore, Pilgrim, and Venue Search. Here's what they had to say:

Built In: Why did you decide to learn to code?

Adrienne Fishman: When I entered college, I wanted to have a liberal arts education. I had always been interested in politics and decided to major in government. At the time, my brother was several years out of college and worked in tech. He told me that engineers were in high demand and encouraged me to take a computer science course. I listened to his advice and took my first computer science course in MATLAB in the fall semester of my sophomore year. The professor was remarkable, and contrary to my expectations, I really enjoyed the course. As I continued to take courses for my major and minor, I also elected to take a computer science course each semester from then on.

Built In: What do you need to know before you learn to code?

Fishman: I don't think you need to know anything in particular before you learn to code. That being said, I had never been exposed to the concepts of computer science before taking that first class. Therefore, I think it is important to have an open mind and to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You have to be willing to accept that everything you learn in a computer science course is not going to make sense right away. However, if you put in the time, concepts will start to click and it is an extremely rewarding feeling.

Andrew Hogue: Frankly, not that much! There's some great material on the web these days—everything from courses on or Code Academy down to the tutorials for specific languages like Python or Ruby. If you have a computer and some determination, you can learn to code. The more important thing is to know that, like anything worth doing, it'll take some time. No one becomes an expert at chess or football or sales or design overnight, and the same applies to coding. Plan to be frustrated at first, and know that you'll break through and things will get easier. It's also a good idea to pick a project that you're excited about to keep you motivated. Something simple like a way to store your recipes or a simple game. Keep that project in mind as you read tutorials or take classes, and try to apply what you're learning along the way.

Built In: What's important to keep in mind when you're learning to code?

Fishman: I think it's important not to give up when concepts aren't making sense. Coding can be extremely difficult especially in the beginning when all of the topics are completely new. Learning to code can sound like a daunting task. However, coding is just like anything else; if you put in the time and effort, you can excel at it.

Hogue: It won't come easy at first, but it gets better. There are some amazing tools these days that "hide" a lot of the really complex stuff that goes on with coding, but there are still concepts that'll bend your brain a little the first time you run into them. Just relax and let it wash over you and know that eventually it'll all start to make sense.

Built In: How should you leverage other people (or resources) while learning to code?

Fishman: If you know anyone who can code, he/she can be an extremely valuable resource. Ask them questions about a particular topic that is giving you trouble. Explain a specific task to them and see how they would approach the problem. Their way of thinking can shape your perspective with future tasks. Another helpful resource is Stack Overflow. Most of the time, any questions that you have are already on Stack Overflow and you can read the threads. If you still can't find the answer anywhere, post a question yourself! Books are also a great resource. All of the O'Reilly books are comprehensive and are written in a way that is accessible. BuzzFeed recommends that people who want to learn Django read Two Scoops of Django, which is a good resource as well. Depending on what language or framework you are trying to learn, go to the bookstore and see what is out there. Programming books have been an invaluable resource for me over the last few years.

Hogue: Having a buddy who already knows how to code is probably the best possible thing — mentorship is a huge part of engineering and coding in general, at all levels. Someone who's been around the bend before can help you understand what's "hard" and what's "easy" when you're trying to undertake a project, since "hard" and "easy" for coding are often very different than they appear from the outside. There are also some amazing forums and groups out there for help with specific problems. Sites like StackOverflow contain answers to pretty much every problem you'll run into. Google is your friend—if you have an error, just paste it into Google and chances are someone else has already had the same problem, solved it, and posted the answer online.

Built In: Are there any lessons or experiences that will ensure your success as a coder?

Fishman: I believe in order to be a successful coder you have to be patient and persistent. Coding can be extremely frustrating at times. However, if you stick with a problem for long enough, you will figure out a creative way to solve it. You have to be willing to put in the time to test different solutions. I also think you think you have to know when to ask for help. If you are spending days trying to solve a problem and you aren't getting anywhere, it isn't beneficial to sit there stuck. Most of the time, talking to someone else about an issue won't just help you solve the problem at hand but will also help you in the future when you inevitably encounter a similar problem.

Hogue: I'm not sure anything can "ensure" success, but persistence will definitely pay off. Coding can be a very frustrating enterprise—computers still aren't very good at telling us what's wrong when they're broken. But it's also incredibly fulfilling to create something with your hands (and maybe, if you're lucky, get millions of people to use that thing you created as well).

(Full disclosure: Adrienne Fishman is the daughter of site owner Joanne Wallenstein.)

MYX3Oh, how we fretted in Scarsdale when Body Fit closed. Although there are plenty of gyms cycling and yoga studios to join, Body Fit offered their own unique approach that devotees feared they would never find again in Scarsdale. But when they heard the MYX Fitness had opened, former customers and many others headed over to tour MYX's beautiful new facility and sample their diverse workout menu

Located in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center, (side note: there's parking! And it's free!) MYX was founded by Cindi Fisher of Scarsdale and her partner Stefanie Rosenzweig who describes MYX as " upscale, boutique fitness spot." But what is boutique fitness and why might you want to try it? Stefanie answered this for me. "Boutique fitness may be a bit more expensive than the traditional big box gym (it's pay-per-class), but we offer smaller class sizes so you are able to receive more personalized attention and form correction than when there are 40+ people squeezed into a room," she said. Personally, I loved that no one seemed to be pushing for a mat or for weights because there were so many fewer people than at "the gym" when I tried out MYX's classes. Stefanie added, "At MYX, you only pay for the classes you use and our passes never expire. There's no fee to join and you don't get charged when you're not using the facilities like with gym memberships."

This was my first experience with boutique fitnessmyx1 and I quickly saw the appeal. When you walk into MYX, you get a locker and choose a couple of numbers to make it lock. (Stefanie is always ready with the master key for people like me, for example, who forgot the TWO numbers I chose.) There are couches in the entry area and socializing is encouraged. There are amenities galore like almonds to grab on-the-go, name brand toiletries, clean and gorgeous bathrooms, and even a shower loaded with everything you might need. Heart rate monitors are distributed before each work out to allow you to monitor yourself during the class as well as over time through the web-based tracking system employed by MYX.

So how does MYX differentiate its fitness training from other places in the area? Stefanie said, "We offer classes no one else is offering in a desirable, boutique setting: HIIT , TRX, Boxing, Tabata (Q-MYX), and more and all of the classes are a full 60-minutes. At MYX, you can take 10 different types of classes and you're not locked into just one type of workout." She continued by saying, "We have secured some of the best fitness instructors in the area and between their energy, passion, and experience paired with our personalized customer service, it has not been surprising to see new faces every day as well as the same people now continuing to come back." The instructors I chatted with gave me the sense that they felt honored to be teaching there.

myxheartrateMYX's philosophy is based on muscle confusion and continuously changing the workout routine to increase your fitness level and change your body. Without a change in type of exercise, we hit an inevitable plateau- both with our bodies and our minds. MYX works with clients to strategically alternate through different classes to maximize the workout. Rochelle W., a very happy new client, testified to the fact that she's never felt better since beginning classes at MYX. "MYX opened at the right time for me as I was ready to get serious about exercising. I love the variety of the classes and quality of the teachers. I have significantly improved my fitness level and have lost weight and inches."

Classes are not limited to women. Eric T. just finished up a workout with MYX instructor Harry Otto and said, "Classes are hard core and great!"

Nutrition services are offered as well. "MYX Reboot" is a 4-week customized meal plan paired with a workout schedule to help get someone started on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

And for germaphobes, I witnessed the cleaning staff come in immediately after the classes to clean the mats before they were used again. I don't know about you but when I see someone pour sweat onto a mat and then they roll it up and stick it back in the rack at the end of their workout, I say "ew" out loud.

MYX gives back to the community and beyond with $1/person/class donated to a charity of the month. This month they are raising money for the PaulieStrong Foundation.

MYX is open 7 days a week in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center at 1142 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale. 914-472-6000.

This is sponsored content from MYX Fitness.

AndreaOGorman 3They're the first to greet students at the beginning of high school and the last to say goodbye as they handout diplomas at graduation. In between there are conferences, workshops and help with the college search. Scarsdale High School Deans follow students from ninth grade orientation through four years of adolescence and help them plot out plans for their new lives as young adults. The Dean is often the face of the high school for parents and students who turn to them for advice and help in resolving any questions or issues.

At a study session preceding the March 21 meeting of the Board of Education, Scarsdale's Director of Counseling Andrea O'Gorman gave an impressive presentation about the role of the SHS Counseling Department, outlining the many programs and services that impact students and parents. Viewed in its totality, the long list of department responsibilities and functions seemed to be more than a staff of nine deans and five support staffers could accomplish. But as anyone who has had a student matriculate through SHS knows, the counseling department is the center of the school, helping families to navigate the high school years, leading planning for college applications and the post-high school years.

For freshmen, Deans are active in freshman seminars and the Civ Ed program. They hold individual family conferences and track student progress. Tenth grade brings a sophomore seminar, a values clarification exercise and individual student conferences. In eleventh grade, the Deans begin preparing students for the future, helping them with the college search, essay writing, a standardized testing plan and instruction on how to use Naviance, to research college options. Students craft a personal bio, consider whom to ask for college recommendations and work on a timeline for the application process.

The Deans also hold workshops on financial aid, applying as an athlete, using the common application, preparing for interviews and offer programs to multicultural families, those with learning differences and students wishing to do a gap year.

The deans stay current by actively visiting a wide range of schools each year. In the last year, the nine deans visited 50 colleges and universities around the country. In addition, colleges seek out Scarsdale students, as 200 representatives visited SHS this past year.

The result of their efforts is impressive. O'Gorman reported that the office processes 5,000 college applications a year. Here are the most recent statistics on college applicants:

  • 98-99% go to college
  • 97-99% attend 4-year institutions
  • Over 60% are accepted at the most competitive schools
  • 96% apply before November 1
  • 88% apply to an early decision or early action plan

O'Gorman also shared some interesting news about college applications.

She cited a movement called Turning the Tide from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to humanize the college admissions process and teach students to value the high school experience. Rather than build a college resume, new thinking encourages them to do what's meaningful to them. O'Gorman said, "more is not always more," meaning that a long list of activities is not necessarily better than a few that a student feels passionate about.

She also mentioned a new college application called The Coalition Application which is aimed at low and moderate-income students and offers an option to the Common Application. It is designed to increase access and allows students to assemble a digital portfolio. Colleges can draft custom questions that meet their needs and include college-specific essay prompts.

In a relatively short presentation, O'Gorman offered much vital information about the high school experience. View it on the Scarsdale Schools website.

libraryplanMayor Jon Mark called a meeting with the Village Board of Trustees, Village staff and the Board of the Scarsdale Library to review new information on the proposed library project and answer some open questions. The entire project, including the construction and maintenance of a temporary library during the two-year construction period is priced at $19.5 million, with $7.5 to come from private donations and the balance from a Village bond.

Board President Terri Simon offered some new information at the opening of the meeting.

First, to those who were concerned that the debt payments on the library would add to an increased load on taxpayers from debt payments for school projects, Simon said that the school district will only take on new debt when old debt is retired.

Simon said that the Library Board met with the Advisory Council on Seniors to see how the new library could meet their needs. She reported that the new facility could accommodate seniors' programming needs.

The library's building committee is looking for ways to economize on the design plan and also investigating whether they can raise more than $7.5 million to fund the project. They are looking into potential grants and state aid for libraries.

Mayor Mark then said, "It is about the money. It's a wonderful project – but unless there is sufficient support, it won't go the way we wish it to go."

The discussion turned to the environmental review. Village Planner Elizabeth Marrinan said that she did not anticipate problems with wetlands or parking and thought that all issues could be handled through the environmental review by the Planning Board. There are current 107 parking spots and only 70 are required. The current parking lot could possibly be re-configured.

The Village's Director of Capitol Projects, Paul Zaicek, reviewed the architect's contract and also discussed the current building conditions. The Village had asked him to review the architect's fees and Zaicek said that the $1.1 million contract could go as high as $1.4 million if plans changed or the timeframe was extended. He also indicated that site evaluation and planning would be billed as an extra cost, the environmental review and parking study could cost $20-$30,000 and commissioning could cost $45,000.

Zaicek said that the current building estimates assume that the building's structure and systems are sound. However, if inspections show otherwise, Zaicek estimates that the construction cost could go up another 8-10% above the $14 million budget. The village has already begun a structural analysis of the building and subsurface testing in advance of new construction.

For now, the plan is to renovate the building at Supply Field to use as a temporary library during the construction. The Village has retained an architect at a cost of $9,500 to make plans for installing heating, cooling, bathrooms and outfitting the 3,100 square foot space for usage as a library. The budget for the renovation of the Supply Field building is $750,000.

Assistant Village Manager Ingrid Richards reported on an analysis of potential spaces for the temporary library. In addition to Supply Field, they evaluated the Weinberg Nature Center on Mamaroneck Road and the former site of Body Fit on Scarsdale Avenue. They determined that the Weinberg Nature Center is too small, dark and remote. If used, the wildlife would need to be moved and all nature center activities would have to be suspended for two years. Body Fit has enough space but only 11 parking spots. The rent is $12,000 a month plus $2,500 a month for maintenance. The cost of renovations would be the responsibility of the Village – and once the space was no longer needed the Village would not benefit from the work done at the building.

Supply Field is already owned by the Village so there is no rent to pay – and after the library is completed, the renovated building could be used for another purpose. In addition, there are 39 parking spots at Supply Field and the temporary library could work their schedule around the game schedule.

Last, the trustees asked Library Director Beth Bermel for information on demolishing the existing library and constructing a new building rather than renovating the existing structure. She said that the architects estimate that it would cost 20% - 40% more.

Architect thinks that constructing an entirely new building would be 20-40% more than the renovation, due to demolition and site costs. Bermel also said that she did not think that there would be significantly higher maintenance costs for the new building and that there should be savings on energy costs from the new windows and lighting. During construction she expects that personnel costs will go down as she is not replacing a few retirees and staff hours will be reduced.

Though many in the audience appeared to have come to the meeting with the intention of speaking, the meeting ended promptly without opportunity for public comment. The mayor said that when more information becomes available, he will schedule a subsequent meeting.