Sunday, Mar 09th

Stephen Hill Shares Substance Abuse Comeback Story on February 12, 2024

NotMyKidScarsdale Action for Youth (SAY) will sponsor a special parent and teen program on Monday, February 12 from 7:30-9:00 at the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium.

A once promising student-athlete, Stephen nearly lost his life to a substance use disorder. How does 1 of 4 brothers, all raised in the same home by loving and supportive parents, end up addicted to drugs for over a decade while the other 3 brothers take the positive path to business school and law school without any substance use issues? How did this happen? What went wrong? Could it have been prevented? How did Stephen get to where he is today?

Stephen Hill is a renowned national speaker on substance use prevention and mental health awareness with a truly inspiring comeback story everyone must hear. Stephen is the founder of Speak Sobriety, a young person in recovery, bestselling author, recovery coach, and a fierce attorney advocating for treatment over incarceration. He will be joined by his father, Kevin Hill, to share their family’s experience from use and addiction to recovery.

“Parents never think it’s going to happen to their kid, but when it does, most have no idea what to do.”, said Kevin Hill. “By sharing their family’s experience, we hope other families can avoid the costly hardships that our family suffered.” It’s a story from stigma and struggle to resilience and recovery. Both parents and their teens will leave this educational program better able to prevent and intervene on substance misuse, feeling more compassionate, filled with hope, and motivated to make smart choices and positive change.
This program is free and open to the public.

Read his story here.

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