The Heathcote Winter Chorus Concert
- Category: On Our Radar
- Published: Friday, 28 January 2011 12:50
The 4th grade chorus performed 3 songs: “Muziki Vuma,” which is an upbeat song in Swahili which included a small percussion ensemble. “America, Of Thee I Sing!” which is a lovely partnering of a melodic version of “The Pledge of Allegiance” and “America, The Beautiful.” And, their show stopper which was “Lights!” which included choreography and was "outrageously funderful."
The 5th grade chorus has also prepared 3 songs: “O Desayo” which is an Angolan folk song also with a
The parallels in the two chorus' repertoire allows both the singers and the audience to engage in critical thinking as they evaluate not only the performance but the musical content presented by each group.
It was an evening of many smiles, wonderful music, and the audience absolutely loved it!

Top Photo: Heathcote Principal Maria Stiles welcomes everyone to the concert
Photos courtesy of Jon Thaler. To see more, go to