Sunday, Mar 09th

Hard Times for Readers

books1There was a time when Scarsdale was flush with options for book buyers. Reading, Writing and Wrapping was downtown and if they didn’t have the title you wanted on hand they could order it for quick delivery. For a time, there was cute little bookstore in the village of Hartsdale. Radiating outwards, there was a huge Barnes and Noble on Central Avenue as well as two well-stocked Borders books, one in White Plains and one on the Post Road in Scarsdale. Even the Westchester Simon Mall had a bookstore, and though their inventory was limited you could find bestsellers and literary gifts.

But those days have passed, and for book lovers who have not adopted a Kindle, a Nook or an iPad, paper versions of books are hard to come by. The latest news is that Borders has filed for bankruptcy and their store in the Lord and Taylor shopping center will close no later than April. This latest shutdown leaves area residents with a lone Barnes and Noble in City Center in White Plains that is low on stock and difficult to access. Even if you can navigate the multi-tiered parking structure, remember your space number and find change in your pocket you still may not find the book you’re looking for in the store.

If you want a book, your options have dwindled. You can shop online, put a book on reserve at the library or take the train into the city, where Posman Books in Grand Central Station never fails. Isn't it surprising that an area rampant with readers can’t support one well-stocked bookstore?