Sunday, Mar 09th

Still Time to Sign Up for the PCF Battle of Bands on Thursday Night

DelBocas4-12_copyPediatric Cancer Foundation is rocking to ‘80’s flavored funk as well as songs by the Beatles, Clapton, and Stones, Thursday, April 19, 2012, from 7-11pm at Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club, 555 South Barry Ave., Mamaroneck, NY. Four bands including The Del Bocas; Not Dead Yet; The New Irrelevants and Route 9 are donating their time and music to benefit children with cancer.

The keynote speaker will be 17 year-old cancer survivor and vocalist, Bianca Muniz. This adult only, denim chic attire evening will include a silent and live auction. To register go to: or call: 914-777-3127. Cost is $175 per person.