Sunday, Mar 09th

Karen Bergreen at Scarsdale Library Tuesday at 7:30 pm

perfectisoverratedOn Tuesday, December 4th at 7:30 pm, author and comedian Karen Bergreen will speak at the library to share her insight into her novel, Perfect is Overrated.  Also the autor of Following Polly, Bergreen is a regular at the comedy clubs of Gotham and The Comic Strip in New York City. She lives with her husband, two kids, and a varying number of hermit crabs and fish.

Here's what her latest book is about:

What's the best cure for post-partum depression? After years of barely moving, Kate springs back to life when the mothers-you-love-to-hate in her daughter's preschool begin to turn up dead. Murder as a cure for sadness? Sounds evil, but it's not. In Perfect Is Overrated, stand-up comedian and author of Following Polly, Karen Bergreen presents a lovable heroine who is so at sea she's still not sure whether what she suffers from has to do with the birth of her little girl or with the fact that her handsome hunk of a detective husband doesn't live with her anymore. She might fall back in love, she might find a killer, but she sure won't be spending all day in bed anymore.

The Scarsdale Public Library is located at 54 Olmsted Road, Scarsdale, NY, 10583. Phone: (914) 722-1300. Website: