Sunday, Mar 09th

The Science of Bad Habits and Willpower

DrBaruchFeldmanIf you're wondering how you can stick to your New Year's resolutions, the Scarsdale Public Library is here to help. The library is hosting a two-part discussion with Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman entitled "The Science of Bad Habits and Willpower". Dr. Baruch-Feldman has given numerous exciting and interactive workshops to children and adults. The workshops provide participants with strategies that they can incorporate into their lives. Providing in-services and presentations is a highlight of Dr. Baruch-Feldman's professional life. Topics of other recent conversations that Dr. Baruch-Feldman has led include Understanding Psychological Evaluations; Functional Behavioral Assessment and BIPs; Executive Functioning; Helping the Disorganized Student; Stress and Anxiety in the Life of Your Child; How You Think Affects How You Feel; Effective CBT Strategies for School- Age Children; Camp Counselor Training; What My Dog Brandy Has Taught Me about Working with Children; and SAFE DOGGY PROGRAM.

Session 1 of the discussion will take place on Friday, January 25th at 10:30 am at the library where Dr. Baruch- Feldman will begin by reviewing the latest research surrounding the struggle to make New Year's Resolutions you will keep. "Do you struggle with willpower? Do you make New Year's resolutions, but fail to keep them?" Dr. Baruch-Feldman asks. "In an effort to provide solutions to these common problems that affect so many of our patrons, the Scarsdale Library is looking forward to hosting the discussions and seeing the ongoing positive impact they are sure to have on the people we interact with most often," commented Elizabeth Bermel, director of the Scarsdale Library.

Participants are encouraged to read one or more of the following bestsellers that discuss some of the scientific principles that will be reviewed during Dr. Baruch-Feldman's lectures.

  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of
  • It by Kelly McGonigal
  • Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister

Register online at or call the Reference Desk at 914-733-1300 ext. 2. Session 2 will take place on Friday, March 1st at 10:30am and will address "How to Keep Your Willpower and Lose Your Weight".

Caren Baruch-Feldman, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist who maintains a private practice in Scarsdale and works part-time as a school psychologist in the Harrison, NY school district. Her private practice focuses on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for children and adults and Psycho-Educational Evaluations. In addition, Dr. Baruch-Feldman trains camp counselors based on psychological principles, is the past president of the School Division of the Westchester County Psychological Association and co-chair and co- founder of Parents and Professionals Advocating for Students (PAPAS) at Westchester Day School (WDS) in Mamaroneck. Dr. Baruch-Feldman has authored numerous articles and led workshops on topics including cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, helping children and adults with stress and worry, executive functioning, and psychological assessment. Providing in-services and interactive workshops is a highlight of Dr. Baruch-Feldman's professional life.

Dr. Baruch-Feldman received her undergraduate degree from Barnard College of Columbia University and received her doctorate in Clinical-Child Psychology and School Psychology Certificate from St. John's University. She did her internship and post-doctoral training at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.