Sunday, Mar 09th

The Big Galut(e) and More at Shaarei Tikvah

biggalutThe Big Galut(e), a klezmer band whose repertoire also includes Jewish classical and folk music by Jewish composers from Italy, Spain, and Turkey will present two concerts at Shaarei Tikvah, the Scarsdale Conservative Congregation, on Sunday, May 18th.

The main concert at 2:00 pm will feature the Big Galut(e) band, who in addition to the usual klezmer instruments, will perform on some unique instruments such as the dumbek, the baroque guitar and the theorbo (a lute over six feet long). And the group will be joined by Cantor Cohen of Shaarei Tikvah for several special numbers.

At 11:30 the band will offer a free concert for children eight years old and younger called "The Li'l Galut(e)". Young families are encouraged to bring their children to hear some traditional music and see the instruments up close in a concert specifically geared towards young

Between the two concerts, there will be a barbeque lunch to celebrate the holiday of L'ag B'Omer.
For information about concert and/or lunch tickets please call Shaarei Tikvah at 914-472-2013, ext. 300 or email Shaarei Tikvah is at 46 Fox Meadow Road in Scarsdale, NY.

Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration:

On May 1st at 7:00 pm Shaarei Tikvah, the Scarsdale Conservative Congregation will be hosting the 23rd Annual Communal Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration.... "Never Again .... Again: Rededicating our commitment to Human Rights and Diversity".

Houses of worship from Scarsdale, Bronxville and Eastchester will be participating.
Students from Eastchester High School will be speaking about their trip to concentration camps in Poland. Music and songs will be performed by students from Bronxville High School.


All are welcome, there is no admission fee.


Service Awards:

On May 14th two members of Shaarei Tikvah, the Scarsdale Conservative Congregation, will be among those presented with the Distinguished Service Awards from the Westchester Jewish Council.

Michal Kellner, a high school senior,has done great community servicework on behalf of USY, including being instrumental in planning and executing the teen fundraising dance for pediatric cancer research. She was president of the Shaarei Tikvah USY chapter and is now on the regional board serving all of Westchester and Rockland Counties. She also volunteers in the synagogue Hebrew School. She encourages other teens to get involved.

Wendy Hollander has been a volunteer in many organizations all her life. At the Jewish Council of Yonkers she created and is a mentor in the SMART program and gives workshops for the mentors. She serves on the JCY Holocaust committee which services students in the Yonkers area, and is a member of the JCY scholarship committee. She is a Vice President of Elana Hadassah and is a volunteer at Westchester Hospice & Palliative Care.