Sunday, Mar 09th

Tour Scarsdale's Premier Garden on May 18

Southlawn4 AndreBaranowski 0(Update May 12) This tour has been cancelled. On Sunday May 18th from 10 am to 12 pm, garden lovers will have the chance to tour one of Scarsdale's premier gardens and meet the landscaper who envisioned it. Garden Dialogues is offering a tour of Southlawn, a magnificent nine-acre property in Scarsdale, composed of numerous elements that collectively create an enchanting journey through a lush, beautiful and functional garden. The estate's design incorporates a driveway, motor court, great lawn, swimming pool and summer garden, stone stairs, cryptomeria circle, woodland areas, ravine, stumpery, white garden, paddock, meadow and turn out pasture, orangery and tennis court, and rill and pond.

Landscape architect Jorge Sanchez of SMI Landscape Architecture and the property owner will discuss their collaboration and the give and take that resulted in the site's creation.

Attendance is limited (usually no more than 30 people), the environment is relaxed, the event is informative and the cost is $45. Click here to register. Here's a link to the registration page.  Registrants will be sent the address and other details a few days before the event.

The tour has been arranged by Garden Dialogues, a three-year-old program organized by The Cultural Landscape Foundation, a Washington, DC-based non-profit foundation, that is part of a broader network of programs designed to provide people with the tools to see, understand and value landscape architecture and its practitioners, much as people have learned to do with buildings and their designers. Here's a link to the foundation's website.

Southlawn7 AndreBaranowski 0-1

Southlawn6 AndreBaranowski