Sunday, Mar 09th

Urinetown the Musical at Edgemont High School

UrinetownUrinetown the Musical: Don't let the title fool you! This musical is one of the funniest, laugh-out-loud musical comedies known to musical theatre. The show tells the story of a world plagued by draught that has caused a worldwide water shortage, thereby making private plumbing completely unthinkable! Citizens must now pay to use public bathrooms, and if they don't, they're taken away to a mysterious place called "Urinetown." This musical satirizes corruption, the legal system, police brutality, and ironically, several other musicals. While the subject matter may be inappropriate for younger elementary school students, everyone else is encouraged to come out and see what is sure to be one of the funniest musicals ever on the Edgemont stage.

Danny Bernstein, EHS class of 2010, is Director and Choreographer. Howard Kilik is Musical & Orchestra Director.

Urinetown will be performed at Edgemont High School (presented by special arrangement with Music Theatre International) on March 5-7, 2015. Shows begin each night at 7:00pm, and the matinee performance on March 7 starts at 1:00pm. Tickets are $15, except for the opening night performance, which is $20 (half of which benefits the Edgemont Scholarship Council). Email for information on purchasing advance tickets.

What: Urinetown, the Musical
When: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 5th, 6th and 7th with performances at 7pm in the evenings with matinee performance on Saturday the 7th at 1pm.
Where: Edgemont High School auditorium, 200 White Oak Lane, Scarsdale, NY
Ticket prices: $15 for all performances except for opening night performance at $20.
Ticket information: