Promposals 2017
- Category: On Our Radar
- Published: Wednesday, 17 May 2017 18:39
- Zoe Frishberg
As senior year draws to a close, prom season begins. And with the arrival of prom season arrives the annual tradition of prom proposals, or "Promposals"! Every year the students of Scarsdale High School create elaborate schemes to ask their dates to the big night on June 1st. These over the top asks involve balloons, candles, flowers, cupcakes, and customized signs. Here are just a few of the promposals that have taken place across Scarsdale over the last few weeks.
Christina Siekierski was asked to prom by Thomas Jacobson using candles. Christina was relaxing at home when she was instructed to go out to her patio. When she opened the door and walked down the stairs, her friends and
Thomas's friends lined the walkway. Thomas Thomas was waiting for her on her patio with "PROM?" spelled out in candles and a sign that read "I feel like the candles are self explanatory".
Carolina Siekierski was asked to prom by her boyfriend Jack Ifrah at the Kensico Dam. The day started with Carolina attending free cone day at Haagen Dagz with her sister. Then, her sister told her they were going to Kensico Dam. Kensico Dam is a frequent date spot for Carolina and her boyfriend so she said she suspected that her promposal was coming. Sure enough, when they arrived at the top of the dam Jack and a bunch of Carolina's friends were waiting with balloons, flowers, and a sign that read "Let's have a dam good time at prom". Carolina described her promposal as "exciting, scenic, and overall perfect"
Kyle Stern asked Carolina Stainfeld to prom using a Beauty and the Beast themed promposal. Carolina loves Disney and says her favorite princess is Belle, so the promposal was a fairytale fit. Carolina arrived at her house to find her friends creating a pathway to the door and Beauty and the Beast music playing. As she walked through the candlelit pathway each friend handed her a rose. When she got to the end her date held a bouquet of roses and a sign that read "Before the last petal falls on June 1st will you go to prom with me?"
Griffin Elkin's promposal to Liza Brecker's was pretty sweet! Liza is doing her Senior Options at Smallcakes Bakery. When she walked into work one day all of her friends were in the shop. There were balloons lining the walls and music playing. Griffin was behind the counter with a bouquet, large pink "PROM" letters, along with a question mark cupcake.
Max Bosco asked Jilly Mehlman to prom using balloons and lots of creativity. When Jilly came home from her lacrosse game she arrived to candles lighting up a path to her bedroom. When she opened her bedroom door she was surprised to find her friends sitting around the room, with balloons covering the floor. On her bedroom door hung a sign that said "Here's a needle, pop all the balloons and put the pieces together". As Jilly popped all of the balloons on her floor, some of them had the letters to spell out "PROM" inside of them. Once she found the last letter, Max came into the room with flowers and "popped" the question!
Kyle Koslowsky asked Annie Cohen to prom using a Heathcote Elementary School class. Annie is doing her senior options at Heathcote with a class of students. When Annie arrived to work one day each student was holding a pink rose. Kyle stood behind them with a sign reading "From Heathcote to SHS now let's go to..." 5 Heathcote students next to him held large gold letters spelling "PROM?"
Caitlin D'Ambrosio was asked by Raf Schott surrounded by all their friends. Caitlin was returning home from an exercise class when her friends asked her if she wanted to pick up food. On the way, one of the friends requested that they stop at her house to pick up a sweatshirt. When the girls walked to the backyard, Caitlin quickly realized the actual purpose of the detour. Caitlin and Raf's friends were standing in the back yard with balloons, in front of candles spelling out "Prom?" Raf held a sign that had two options: "Buck Yeah", or "Buck No", as Caitlin will be attending Bucknell University in the fall. Caitlin, of course, checked off "Buck Yeah" as all her friends cheered her on!
Louisa Blatt promposed to Ananta Wadhwa at a rehersal of their chamber choir. The choir was rehearsing for a performance of the song "I Feel Pretty" from the musical West Side Story, which features a soprano solo. They started the song rehersal as normal, until it came to the solo, where Louisa had changed the words into a promposal and seranaded Ananta!
Drake Weissman asked Abby Drucker to prom using a SoulCycle class. The two of them went together to a spin class and Drake orginized it so that at the end of the class the instructor would announce that he was asking Abby to prom. Some of the people in the class thought it was a real proposal!
Do you have a Promposal to share? Send your story and photos to