Sunday, Mar 09th

Greenacres Movie Night

movienightThe Greenacres Neighborhood Association hosted their first ever outdoor movie night on the Greenacres field on Saturday night June 4th. Over 200 parents, kids and even empty nesters brought lawn chairs and blankets to the field to watch Disney's Moana. A fun night for all -- and hopefully the beginning of a new tradition.

Andrew Sereysky, President of the Greenacres Neighborhood Association said, "This was our first GNA Movie Night! We had more than 200 people come out on the beautiful June evening to enjoy the movie under the stars. We are grateful to the Scarsdale Village Department of Public Works who supplied power and lighting that made the event possible.
It's GNA social events like the outdoor movie, our July 4th celebration and fall pancake breakfast that provide an opportunity for all our neighbors to come together and contribute to making our community a terrific place to live and raise families."
