Sunday, Mar 09th

Farmers Market Off to a Great Start

marketsoapThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Corinna Makris, Market Manager of the Scarsdale Farners Market:

What an amazing opening day! The new Scarsdale Farmers Market opened last Thursday, September 7th and we were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of shoppers throughout the day. We heard your comments and suggestions and we're working hard to bring you more of the best vendors in the area.

All the vendors from last week will be back, in addition to nine more weekly vendors, and we're confirming more as the season continues. This week: dog treats, bakeries, Mangalitsa Pork - the Kobe beef of pork, local honey, mozzarella and more prepared foods.

We heard that you enjoyed the live music. We're happy to say that jazz musician Alexis Cole will perform weekly through the end of the season. This week, September 14th, she'll be singing from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

See you Thursday!

Weekly Vendors

Taliaferro Farms
DoReMe Farms
The Cheese Guy
Mind, Body & Bath
Irvington Delight - prepared Middle Eastern foods

New vendors joining us this week and every week going forward:

Hudson River Apiaries

Nutmeg Cafe
Orwashers Bakery
Peace Love Jerky Treats for dogs
Dam Good English Muffins
Nutmeg Cafe - baked sweet treats, and prepared foods including hot soup
Mangalitsa Pork
Arlotta Foods - olive oil, vinegar, and artisanal pasta (beginning September 23rd)
Green Mountain Energy - information at their booth about how to use green energy in your home and office

Please note: Jack Jack Knife Sharpening - will not be at the Sept. 14th market but he'll be back Sept. 23rd.

Rotating throughout the season:

Will-YUM Spice Company - specialty fresh ground spices
Jeneric Bags - fine hand sewn quilted items
Alpacatrax - felt, fiber, and wool
Geaux Nuts - New Orleans original sugared pecans
Aunt Patty Cake - sweet treats