Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale's Annual Holiday and Tree Lighting Event To Take Place on Friday, December 1st, 5-7pm

Light the Dale3Light the 'Dale, the annual holiday and tree lighting event in Boniface Circle in Scarsdale Village will take place on Friday, December 1, from 5-7 pm. Designed for everyone to enjoy, come listen to the Hoff Barthelson Carolers as they sing holiday favorites, sip hot chocolate courtesy of Lange's Deli, cheer as Santa arrives on the fire truck, and shop exclusive promotions from our local retailers.

There will be lots of excitement for the whole family. Santa will visit until 7:00 pm to hear what's on your gift list. The kids will also have an opportunity to create a special holiday ornament, which they can then hang on the Scarsdale holiday tree. The Village has enhanced decorations in Boniface Circle, and a menorah display, courtesy of Westchester Reform Temple, will adorn Chase Park. To add to the holiday cheer, children will have the chance to enter a drawing to light the tree and menorah. To enroll your child in the drawing, please send your child's name, age, and school to and arrive at the tree lighting by 5:15 pm. At 5:30pm, Mayor Dan Hochvert will pick one lucky entrant to light up the Village.

If you're hungry, many of our local restaurants will stay open late for family dining, and Walter's Hot Dog Truck will be on hand to grab a quick bite. In addition, many of our local merchants will be open late to help start your holiday shopping. Bring your neighbors and friends to this festive kick-off to the holidays.

And finally, not to be missed is the newest public art installation in Chase Park "Boulder Color" contributed by Scarsdale resident artist Simone Kestelman, a complement to "Pearl Necklace". "Light the 'Dale is an exciting opportunity to celebrate our community while celebrating the holidays together," said Committee member Gabrielle Wise

Light the 'Dale has been sponsored by the Scarsdale Village, The Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce, The Acceleration Project, Scarsdale Improvement Corporation, P& G Realty Corporation, and has been organized by many dedicated local volunteers. The Light the 'Dale Committee includes TAP members Janette Gee, Dalya Khan, Nanette Koryn, Vanessa Siderow, and Jane Veron ; community volunteers Beth Altschuler, design; Abby Sroka and Gabrielle Wise, merchant promotions, logistics and operations; and Simone Kestelman and ML Perlman, art; as well as Village Parks and Recreation, Municipal Services and the Village Manager's Office. It was inspiring to work with this enthusiastic and determined group of volunteers. Their commitment to bringing the community together epitomizes the spirit of the holiday season," said Veron.
Special thanks also goes to the Scarsdale Fire Department for the ride for Santa, Westchester Reform Temple for the menorah, the Scarsdale Arts Council for their latest public art installation, and the local business community for their promotions.