Sunday, Mar 09th

Letters in Support of Woodrow Crouch and Pam Fuehrer for School Board

letter to the editor
These letters in support of School Board candidates Woody Crouch and Pam Feuhrer were sent to Scarsdale10583 for publication. The election is on Tuesday May 15 from 7 am to 9 pm at Scarsdale Middle School from candidate for Scarsdale School Board Woodrow Crouch

To My Scarsdale Neighbors:

I am honored and humbled that the School Board Nominating Committee selected me as a candidate for the nonpartisan slate. As a 40 year resident of Edgewood, with 5 grandchildren in the Scarsdale schools, I offer a long term perspective.

I have a MSME from Columbia and was honored by my alma mater, the US Merchant Marine Academy for exemplifying “ACTA NON VERBA” (Deeds Not Words). I have worked to exemplify this motto throughout my life.

I have a long commitment to serving the children in our community through volunteerism. As a past coach Woody CrouchCandidate Woodrow Crouch with grandson Simonand Chair of the Edgewood Athletic Association, I insisted upon an inclusive approach to all children. Currently as a badge counsellor with Scarsdale Boy Scout Troop 2, I enjoy mentoring youth on Engineering, Energy, and Communication.

I welcome the opportunity to assist the school district as it seeks to refurbish and innovate our schools’ facilities in ways that will enhance the learning environment. As a leader in the utility industry, including 30 years at the New York Power Authority, I managed billion dollar engineering projects and developed my ability to work with construction, budgets, timelines, and unions.

As a board and committee member, I listen, care about the mission, and respect colleagues, staff and community partners. At Sturge-Weber Foundation, I have worked to maximize positive board dynamics and advocate for children’s needs. From my neighborhood work as SNAP President, to my national service as President of US Society on Dams, and Construction Committee Chair, I collaborated and built consensus at different levels.

I plan to contribute thoughtful guidance and build consensus for future issues and priorities facing the Scarsdale school board. I invite the community to visit to learn more about me. 

Woodrow W. Crouch

Letter from Suzanne Seiden in support of Pam Fuehrer

I write in support of Pam Fuehrer for School Board. As a former member of the School Board for 6 years, including one year as President, I PamPam Fuehrerrespect the School Board nominating process and the candidates who were nominated by the process this year.

However, I believe the School Board Nominating Committee made a mistake; I know Pam Fuehrer, and our community needs Pam to continue to serve on the School Board.

Here are the three things you need to know about Pam:

First, Pam is EXPERIENCED.

Pam has served on the School Board for the past three years becoming familiar with the critical issues facing our children and our schools; she served with integrity, professionalism and dedication. For the past 14 years, Pam has been actively engaged in many facets of our schools and community (you can read Pam’s bio at Pam is passionate about making the Scarsdale Schools the best they can be for our children.

Second, Pam is a LEADER.

Pam is a leader who regularly seeks input, listens to voices in the community, asks insightful questions, builds consensus and makes thoughtful decisions. Pam will continue to help lead the Board as it faces critical issues such as: keeping our curriculum cutting edge; negotiations for contracts; and navigating the impact of the new tax law’s limit on state and local tax deductibility.

Third, Pam is a MENTOR.

Next year, three of the seven seats will be open and two must be filled by first-term Board members. The following year, two more will be open and filled by first-term Board members. No matter how qualified, all new Board members will have a steep learning curve. Pam will be an extraordinary mentor to new Board members as the Board faces critical issues.

Several years ago, a similar situation occurred with the Village Trustee Election. When Deb Pekarek was not re-nominated by the Citizens Nominating Committee, voters wrote her name on the ballot and elected her for a second term. The nominating system survived and continues to be supported by the community.

The same is true with this year’s school Board election. The community can right this ship by voting for Pam and still support the system in the future.


Suzanne Seiden
22 Fairway Drive

Letter from Marc Carter, Jackie Irwin, and Jill Spieler in support of Pam Fuehrer

Pam Fuehrer has the credentials, experience and personal qualities that merit a second term on the Board of Education. We urge voters to choose her in the school board election on Tuesday, May 15 at the Scarsdale Middle School.

Pam’s academic achievements - Wellesley cum laude and Columbia Business School - and management consulting career underscore the strength of her intelligence and multifaceted skills. She has been deeply engaged in school and community volunteer life for several years. She exhibited strong leadership skills in PTA, the League of Women Voters and the Junior League of Westchester.

She has earned the respect of a broad segment of the community. As a result of her prodigious volunteer work, she brings a strong understanding of the interests of both the parent community and those of us who care deeply about our schools.

Pam is committed to assuring the strength of our schools. She understands and supports improvements in curriculum, including STEAM and the latest, most impactful ways to use technology in student and professional development, all with the goal of preparing Scarsdale students for success in the 21st century.

All three of us served on prior Scarsdale school boards. We understand the importance of the qualities needed to be effective board members - proven leadership skills, high level of intelligence, good judgement, high energy level and extensive community connections. Pam brings all of these qualities to her position. She has been a solid board member of and a strong candidate for a leadership role on the Board of Education.

As longtime residents and community volunteers, we have also had the privilege of serving on our School and Village nominating committees. We have the utmost respect for those who volunteer to run for election and then spend many hours researching and deliberating prospective nominees. The process has worked well for our schools and community. At the same time, voters can and should exercise their judgement about who can better represent the interests and priorities of our community. Pam Fuehrer deserves our vote.

Marc Carter
101 Catherine Road

Jackie Irwin
51 Drake Road

Jill Spieler
33 Claremont Road