Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Quiz Bowl Team Takes Second Place in Chicago Tournament

quizbowlteamThe Scarsdale Quiz Bowl team, aside from a delayed and bumpy return to NY, had a very successful trip to the National Academic Challenge Tournament in Chicago June 8 through June 10. The team came in 2nd place, losing to University of Detroit Jesuit High School in the championship by a score of 345-295. Most importantly the students had an amazing time and hope to be back even stronger next year as the entire "starting lineup" were juniors. Although the flight was delayed over 2 hours and they flew back through thunderstorms, the team returned home on Monday night with a trophy in hand. The trophy will be displayed in the case adjacent to room 377 within the next few days. Above is a picture of the team after the finals. The team was comprised of, in the photo going from left to right, Coach Michael Egan, Tarif Sabur '20, George Primoff '20, Captain Andrew Morin '20, Samuel Nichols '20, Wolf Cukier '20, and Spencer Martin '20.

As far as the questions go, this is how Coach Michael Egan explained the competition:

"The questions ranged from listening to clips of classical music and needing to identify the composer, balancing chemical equations, to listing the official languages of countries.  A notable question that won us a tiebreaker was 'The French won six Davis Cups under the Four Musketeers, which composed of Jean Borotra, Jacques Brugnon, Henri Cochet, and which other player, nicknamed the Crocodile?' Answer: Rene Lacoste."