Sunday, Mar 09th

Letter in Support of Bob Selvaggio for Village Trustee

letter to the editorLetter to the Editor: I write to enthusiastically endorse Bob Selvaggio for Scarsdale Trustee. I have known Bob for 20+ years and know him to have the highest integrity. One of his sons and one of mine went through Scarsdale's school system together and then went on to attend Bucknell University together. Among other shared concerns, Bob and I participate in organizations that promote civic education and free speech. Bob and his wonderful wife Lisa raised their family in Scarsdale, and though their children have flown the nest, they plan to continue living here.

Bob has expert knowledge and skills that would be tremendous assets for our Board of Trustees, especially at a time when the Village is facing serious fiscal issues. He has a PhD in economics and extensive experience in the financial services industry. He is Head of Analytics at a successful financial risk management firm that he co-founded and that includes banks, insurance companies and government agencies and regulators among its client base.

A primary concern for Bob is maintaining the affordability of living in Scarsdale. The steep reduction in the SALT deduction has increased housing expense and depressed real estate values. As Trustee, Bob would aggressively pursue efforts to address these deleterious effects. And he would be very judicious in assessing the Freightway Redevelopment Project, which could bring additional residential apartments to the Village. He is for a transparent project-design process and would be against any design that would not contribute positively to Scarsdale's cash flow or that would result in higher attendance at Scarsdale's schools. I know that Bob has the analytical and due-diligence skills to pose the right questions about these and other issues, and that he would be a dedicated public servant. I urge you to seriously consider voting for Bob Selvaggio for Village Trustee.

John Ferebee
Paddington Road