Sunday, Mar 09th

Photos from the Pandemic: Unusual Sites Abound

These are unusual times indeed. We’re seeing things we’ve never seen in town before – and hope we never see again. Here are some pictures of the pandemic in Scarsdale. Have you seen anything strange? Share your photos with us at

emptystreetEmpty streets allow pedestrians to walk in the middle of the street without even listening for traffic. There’s nowhere to go.

TP2Paper towels and toilet paper are in scarce supply – and rationed at many stores.

MaskedRiderPeople are wearing masks – alone in their cars, while biking and shopping. It’s often difficult to recognize friends and neighbors.

Car PicnicKids are seeing friends by holding picnics on the top of their cars.

meetupTeens meet in driveways and stay six feet apart.

packagesPackages are left outside for a few days curing. It’s thought that this will dissipate the virus on surfaces.

VBZoomThe only way to conduct business, see friends or celebrate birthdays is online. Everyone is using Zoom, meeting software, technology that we didn’t know existed just eight weeks ago.

GlovesinstreetPlastic gloves are discarded willy-nilly.

PuzzleJigsaw puzzles are back, big time!

TestingMedical testing is in. People are getting swabbed and pricked in an effort to learn their COVID exposure.

chalkjaneTributes to first responders abound.

classof2020The Class of 2020 appears to be celebrating their graduation with lawn signs, rather than in person.icecreamAn ice- cream man in a face mask who only accepts Venmo payments. See sign on left of truck. (Contributed by Debra Asher)