Sunday, Mar 09th

Arthur Manor’s 92nd Annual July 4th Celebration at Davis Park Broadcast Live on Facebook

frontdoorFirst Place for Most Patriotic Front Door, Nonaka Family: Photo: Yoko NonakaFor the 92nd year the Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association celebrated the 4th of July at Davis Park, although truncated this year due to COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings. Wishing to ensure the health and safety of its association’s residents, the Arthur Manor Board of Directors decided this year to hold an abbreviated July 4th ceremony at Davis Park with only a few participants - broadcasting the event live over Facebook, filmed by Jeanne Bongiorno.

The July 4th ceremony began at 9 am in Davis Park, with Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company No. 1’s Honor Guard, limited this year to three members and led by Jeff Hill, who unfurled, hoisted, and saluted the American flag at flag pole in Davis Park. Arthur Manor’s Tegan Lee was also present as Uncle Sam. The ceremony proceeded next to the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the National Anthem which was sung beautifully by Richard Gast. Trustee Jonathan Lewis could not be present for the festivities but Trustee Lewis sent an inspiring message on the meaning of July 4th which was read by Matt Martin, the President of the Arthur Manor neighborhood association. Matt concluded the ceremony with his own reflections on the July 4th holiday with the hope that next year all of Scarsdale could return to a regular level of celebration next year.firetruckprizeCoco and Pierre with Firetruck Prize Delivery

Photographs of the contestants in the traditional patriotic Arthur Manor parade of decorated bikes, scooters, floats, and strollers were submitted online in advance to the Arthur Manor Facebook page, and the winners were announced during the July 4th ceremony at Davis Park.

ArthurManorGroupCeremony in Davis Park

firstplacefloatFirst Place Float: Submitted on Facebook by Christian Connolly Callaghan

After the ceremony ended, the prizes for the virtual parade were delivered by Arthur Manor’s own Michael Keating in his vintage Scarsdale Fire Department truck to the delight of all the parade winners.


patrioticfrontdoorTied for First Place: Sannicandro Family Patriotic Front DoorsiblingsSiblings: First Place, Patriotic Costume, Christopher B. Horne's First Fourth of JulypatrioticpetsFirst Place Patriotic Pets Bailey Ferree as Uncle Sam Mackey Ferree as Lady Liberty: Photo by Lisa FerreecocoCoco & Pierre Traumer, Second Place Patriotic Stroller Submitted by Marian McCrossan and daughterfiretruckNonaka family with Fire TruckGraceHorneSiblings: Honorable Mention, Grace Horne: Photo by Chris A. Horne