Sunday, Mar 09th

Want to Get Involved In The Election? Here Is What You Can Do

Be A Voter 3Myra Saul, the new chair of the Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee, has many friends and acquaintances asking her that question these days. "This year's election, especially the presidential race, has drawn a lot of interest from many people in Scarsdale. Depending on your interests and the amount of time you have to volunteer, there is always a way to connect voters to the campaign safely, despite the pandemic." Of course, the pandemic has curtailed canvassing--- going door to door to talk with voters.

According to Saul, the primary way that the Biden campaign is now connecting with voters in swing states is through texting and phone banking. The Biden campaign is also asking volunteers to ask their own networks--family and friends--to support the candidate through its own "Vote Joe" app. These opportunities can be accessed through Closer to home, volunteers may want to connect through Westchester for Biden's Facebook page.

The lawyers in the community and those who are interested in voting rights may find volunteering to help voters directly through work on a voter helpline compatible with their skills. Those opportunities are accessible through the New York Democratic Lawyers and Fair Fight--

Of course, some people are text and phone shy. No problem. Letter and postcard campaigns are offered through Vote Postcards to Vote Forward contacts hard to reach and infrequent voters. Postcards to Voters reaches down ballot voters.

There are many senate, house and state races that complement work on the Biden campaign. Two are Swing and Sister District, State legislative races are vitally important, because this is a reapportionment year.

Finally, don't forget to make your own plan to vote. First, make sure you are registered by going to The last day to register to vote is this Friday, October 9th. Vote by mail, vote early or vote on election day, November 3rd. Voting early (October 24 through November 1) may be the best bet for those who want the confidence of voting on the machine and yet want to avoid crowds. Information about early voting in Westchester can be found at