Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgewood Residents Ask Trustees to Stop the Speeding on Sprague Road

PetitionThe following petition was presented to the Mayor and Board of Trustees by Elizabeth Bardt-Pellerin at their September 28, 2021 meeting. The petition had 138 signatures:

Dear Madame Mayor,
We, the residents living on or near Sprague Road in Edgewood, would like to bring to your attention the increased speeding and noise on Sprague Road.

Speeding conditions on Sprague Road, Scarsdale

As recently as June there was yet another accident at a Sprague Rd intersection; this time it was Sprague and Bell. Besides the many near accidents at various Sprague intersections in the past it is time once again to ask the Village to take additional steps to mitigate the increasingly dangerous situation of speeding vehicles on Sprague Rd. The demographics of this densely populated neighborhood have changed with an increasing number of homeowners with young children. Young families can be seen with children in strollers or on their bicycles on their way to Davis Park.
It is time to go beyond the formulaic responses and address the actual conditions of the locations.

Lack of Visibility

1. Sprague Rd is unusual as it has a significant downward west to east grade which contributes to the lack of visibility for drivers crossing Sprague from side roads.

2. Sprague Rd is also very narrow and the visibility is also impeded by any parked vehicle.

Increase in Traffic

3. Aside from the usual landscaping and maintenance trucks, there has been a significant increase of traffic due to delivery trucks serving local residents. These vehicles park on Sprague and block the view.

4. Sprague Rd is also dangerous due to the number of commercial and construction vehicles which use Sprague as a speedy shortcut from Eastchester to New Rochelle.

Dangerous for Children and Pedestrians

5. There are only 2 four way stop signs (Nelson and Clarence) on a road with 10 intersections. Locust Avenue in Eastchester on the other hand, has 9 four-way stops! No wonder we get all the traffic from Eastchester and New Rochelle in addition to traffic in our own dense area.

Some possible solutions

- 4-way stops at ALL 10 intersections to avoid ambiguity.
- trucks restricted to local delivery with adequate signage.

As residents living on or near Sprague, we strongly urge the Village Board to consider implementing all measures necessary to restore the residential character of Sprague Rd.

We want our residential neighborhood back!

Respectfully yours,

The undersigned,
Elisabeth Bardt-Pellerin, 155 Madison Road
Dominique Pellerin, 155 Madison Road
Christine Cohen, 61 Sprague Road
Linda MacKenzie, 57 Sprague Road
Malcolm MacKenzie, 57 Sprague Road

Tuesday, September 28, 2021