Sunday, Mar 09th

In Support of Gans and Whitestone for Village Trustee

JeremyGansThe following are letters to the editor written in support of candidates Jeremy Gans and Randy Whitestone for Village Trustee.

To the Editor -
We write in strong support of Jeremy Gans for Village Trustee. We have known Jeremy as an active community volunteer, an engaged parent and a good friend for over a decade. He is a bright, analytical, and empathetic person who is committed to making this Village a better place for all of its residents.

Jeremy and his wife Lisa moved here when their oldest was just a toddler, and we met them a short time later. Jeremy, a young parent with a demanding career in private equity, still found time for civic involvement from the very beginning. Jeremy first engaged with the Village when the Trustees were debating whether gravel driveways were impervious surfaces for building size calculation. Despite the surprising rancor the topic was generating at Village Hall, Jeremy approached the issue calmly and advocated for a reasonable outcome, which was adopted by the Trustees seemingly to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. This led the Trustees to appoint Jeremy to the Zoning Board of Appeals, where he has served since 2017.

Jeremy didn’t just coach his children’s sports teams. He volunteered to handle league organization, eventually becoming president of the Youth Soccer Organization. Jeremy is a doer. He doesn’t complain, he steps up and gets things done. We have each served on local organizations with Jeremy – Diane at the Scarsdale Forum and Marc on the PTA Scholarship Fund. We have seen his thoughtful, consensus-driven approach to contentious issues. His legal training and his experience in finance are real assets, and he is both patient and kind. We are confident that Jeremy will take his skills and qualities and be an excellent public servant.

We are lucky here in Scarsdale to have a system which identifies active, effective volunteers and nominates them in a non-partisan manner for election as Trustee. That system worked perfectly in nominating Jeremy. Knowing Jeremy as a friend and having worked with him as a volunteer, we are confident that he will continue to be an effective listener, advocate and leader as a Trustee. We encourage all Village residents to vote for Jeremy and the rest of the CNC slate at the Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road, on Tuesday, March 15.

Diane and Marc Greenwald
Oak Lane

To the Editor:
My first experience with Jeremy Gans illustrated his integrity and warmth so clearly, that it’s fitting to share it as a hallmark of why he should be elected as Village Trustee. Jeremy served as president of the Scarsdale Youth Soccer Board from 2016-2019. During his tenure, he received a complaint (via email) from a resident with two young children beginning their soccer journey in Scarsdale. As anyone who has served in any position of authority knows, complaints can be plentiful and very easy to ignore, belittle or minimize. Instead, that complaining resident (me) received a phone call from Jeremy. He spent close to an hour with a stranger on the phone, listening and engaging with me, and slowly but very persuasively helping me off my negative ledge. Through that one interaction, he not only convinced me that my position was wrong, but also very effectively showed me the power of community. He was exceptionally clear in his perspective, but also so respectful, and working so hard to bridge our distance, that he not only changed my tune but motivated me to join him in his community activism, on the Soccer Board and beyond.

I share this story because I believe there is no greater qualification to represent our community as Village Trustee, as the commitment that Jeremy deeply and very genuinely holds- he cares about our community and continually pushes to improve it- with his extensive time, talents, and hard work. Working closely with him in the years that followed, I was a firsthand witness to these qualities. He was deeply motivated to improve Scarsdale Youth Soccer, tireless in his efforts, and impressively and collaboratively led the organization through very turbulent times with steadfast resolution. As one can clearly see from reading Jeremy’s bio, there are many reasons why he is highly qualified for this position. But in a town as esteemed as Scarsdale, eligibility through intellect, professional accomplishment, tenacity, and competence is shared by many. What truly sets Jeremy apart and makes him the ideal candidate is simply his genuine and sustained desire to improve our community, and his sincere belief that hard work towards a shared goal combined with authentically respectful engagement can create progress and change. Jeremy is easy-going and affable, but also determined and with steel grit. He is brilliant and accomplished, but his humility and empathy abound. He is a tough-minded, fierce competitor (former Ivy League athlete), but so desirous of a “win-win” and common ground.
As a resident of Scarsdale, I couldn’t be more thrilled to support Jeremy Gans’ candidacy for Village Trustee. He will undoubtedly knock it out of the park.

Please vote for him at the Scarsdale Public Library on March 15th.

Shilpa Spencer
Cohawney Road

To the Editor:RandyWhitestone
It is my distinct pleasure to write in support of Randy Whitestone’s nomination as Village Trustee. His devotion to the Scarsdale community has its roots in his parents’ experiences living in Scarsdale. His professional experience, not to mention his prior experience as a trustee, make him the ideal candidate for this position.

Randy and I have had several conversations on the village issues in his first term. It was during those exchanges that Randy showed a genuine desire to help the community, while also demonstrating his strengths as a community communicator. He listened attentively to our complaints with open mind and compassion and then followed up with further action that allowed us to feel heard. I have seen firsthand the effort he puts along with all other trustees into making decisions that not only respect cultural diversity, but that have also raised the quality of life for fellow Scarsdalians.

This commitment to bettering our community is a quality that we all share. I firmly believe that Randy’s performance as a trustee will serve the Village better, as it has during his first term. Most of all, I have been impressed by his intellect, his thoughtfulness and his ability to create a more inclusive community that has and will continue to positively impact us. Please come out to vote for Randy to show your support and appreciation for his willingness to continue to serve us in his second term.

Han Zhou
Lawrence Road

(Photo Credit: Mark Jessamy)