Sunday, Mar 09th

A Celebration for Scarsdale Athletes

seniorclassSHS Senior AthletesThe annual Maroon and White picnic celebrating spring athletes and seniors turned into a celebratory year end party on the lawn at Scarsdale High School. Warm weather brought out students, parents, coaches and administrators for the first post COVID gathering. There were photo opps, a barbeque, Maroon and White merchandise for sale and even an impromptu frisbee game. Spring Picnic Co-Chairs Beth Schettino and Anita Carroll estimated that 500 people turned out to enjoy this return to normalcy after so many tumultuous years of interruptions, cancellations and disappointments. They thanked the Wooden Spoon in New Rochelle for turning out hundreds of hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fixings on the hottest day of the year and a team a sixth grade girls who provided lemonade.

SchettinoCarrollSpring Picnic Co-Chairs Beth Schettino and Anita Carroll

Athletes from each team gathered for photos and provided brief recaps on their seasons.

The highlight of the Girls Varsity Lacrosse Team’s season was the pink senior game and there was lots more fun including a rope course with the boys baseball team and fun Friday practices where the team split and played competitively against each other. The team bonded, got to know each other and ended the season with 6 wins and 10 losses.

This year was the first for the Girls Flag Football team who competed in a league with nine teams and finished the year on top! Their record was 6-1-1 and they played in the section finals.

Lindsay Smith was the only senior on the Girls Varsity Softball team at the picnic, though there were three on the team. They made it to the sectionals and have great hopes for the future of this young team. Likewise, Jackie Lu was the only senior from the Girls Golf Team at the event.LindsayLindsay Smith representing the Girls Softball team.

The Boys Varsity Baseball team that included 8 seniors, was the first to use the new baseball diamond. According to teammates, they are a “group that played for each other, not just with each other.” The team travelled to Cooperstown together and had a lot of fun. They finished the season 5-5. Zakir Amin and Koby Kraus were All-league honorable mention and Ryan Cahaly was all section, all league.

The Boys Varsity Tennis team had a great year, winning their league with a record of 9-2 and progressing to section finals. Jason Gans and Adin Lamport qualified to play doubles in the state tournament but were stopped in their tracks due to COVID.

BoysTennisSenior Tennis Players: Jason Shuler, Zachary Sanders, Aditya Menon and Kenny Xu

Boys Golfers also did well – placing third in section 1.

The boys track and field team had a notable season with seniors Mark Gibney, Ethan Rifkin and Jacob Zik setting personal records.

JackieLuJackie Lu will play golf at Williams College

The Girls Track and Field team were not all at the picnic or at the awards ceremony because a few were at the Warwick Fast Times meet. Senior Lizzie Hurshman, winner of an Iron Man award and headed to run at Lafayette College, was just recovering from COVID but ran in the meet to fill in for teammate Natalyn Kapner, also an Iron Man who injured her foot at the prom. The team missed the qualifying time by just 3 seconds and raced back to Scarsdale for the awards ceremony but unfortunately missed it.

Photos by Elliot Zhang and Joanne Wallenstein.

BoysBaseballBoys Baseball: Zakir Amin, Eli Greenwald, Koby Krausz, Ryan Cahaly

BoxLaxBoys Lacrosse Section 1 champions will play against Kingston on Wednesday, June 1, at 6:30 p.m. at Mamaroneck.

Girls TrackGirls Track and Field

The Boys Frisbee Team appeared to be enjoying the event and the chance to toss the frisbee around.

BoysGolfGolfers: Jack Spitalny, Ryan Gerson and Matt Silver

 FlagFootballFlag Football: Started the team and won the section: Olivia Pierro, Audrey Gendel and Emily Shawn

 FrisbeeTeamThe Frisbee team appeared to be having the most fun of all.

TrackandFieldTrack and Field Seniors: Ethan Rifkin, Patrick Kantor, Hunter Koch, Mitchel Peran, Spencer Kriso, Jacob Zik, Rafael Tassari, Mark Gibney

Girls LaxThe Girls Lacrosse Team

signinJulie Duigan, Hillary Ziffer, Mary Brennan and Sherry Matusz at the door. LemonadeChristine Bensche, Tara Ulrich and Tara Greco with Maroon and White swag.

LemonadeSylvia Coffey, Claire Carroll and Brooke OGrady sold lemonade.