Sunday, Mar 09th

Youth Tennis Tournament This Week

The Scarsdale Summer Youth Tennis League will be hosting several youth tennis tournaments during the week of Monday, August 9th through Thursday, August 12th. Matches will be played at the Middle School Tennis Courts between 6 PM and 8 PM, and boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 18 of all skill levels, including beginner, novice, intermediate and advanced are invited to play. Players should register and play at 6 PM at the Middle School Tennis Courts.

Each participant will receive a participation trophy, a Scarsdale NYJTL T-shirt, and are welcome to attend a pizza and ice cream party on Thursday, August 12th. There will be tournament trophies for the winners.

The New York Junior Tennis League-Scarsdale and the Scarsdale Recreation Department are delighted to maintain the registration fee at $ 35 for each player. A valid 2010 junior tennis permit is required. The proram is now inits 26th season and the program fee has been the same for over 20 years.

Youth and parents interested in participating in the tournaments and the Summer Youth Tennis League should contact Bob Harrison, volunteer director for 26 years, at 914 725-0962 or 914 646-4054 (cell) or by e-mail at

Applications are available at the Scarsdale Recreation Department.