Sunday, Mar 09th

JLCW Contributes to the White Plains Hospital COVID-19 Relief Fund

JLCWFor 73 years the women of the Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) have worked to positively impact the lives of women and children within our community. The current COVID-19 crisis has impacted our community in a more devastating way than anything we've ever seen as well as challenged every response and support system geared towards aiding those impacted.

The JLCW has made a $2,500 donation to White Plains Hospital COVID-19 Relief Fund, which is the equivalent to a day’s worth of surgical masks for first responders. White Plains Hospital has been a longtime partner and sponsor of the JLCW, having collaborated together on several community projects over the years. White Plains Hospital has been there for the JLCW, and we are there for them now.

The White Plains Hospital COVID-19 Relief Fund is being used to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies, to build additional critical care units, and to provide meals to front line staff. The fund will also be used for advanced technology to care for COVID patients such as additional monitors and iPads for patients to use in communicating with family members.

“Members of The Junior League of Central Westchester have come together to make a donation equivalent to the funds required for a day’s worth of surgical masks,” said JLCW President Valerie Phillips. “Our League has partnered with White Plains Hospital for many years and we are grateful to be able to support their critical efforts in our community during this extraordinary time.”