Sunday, Mar 09th

White Plains Hospital Administers its First COVID-19 Vaccines to Hospital Staff

WPH Vaccine 4 3White Plains Hospital administered its first COVID-19 vaccines to essential healthcare workers on December 15, 2020. White Plains Mayor Tom Roach joined Hospital leadership at this momentous event as five frontline medical workers were vaccinated, including Respiratory Therapist Brian Benjamin; Betsy Amaya, RN on 4F, Sharia Mohammed, RN in the Emergency Department; Frank Quintero, MD in the Emergency Department; and Kristina Krecko, MD on 4F.

The vaccinations administered today mark a hopeful point in the COVID-19 pandemic in WhitePlainsHospitalSponsorBannerWestchester County and New York State. White Plains Hospital is located near the pandemic’s epicenter in Westchester County, and White Plains Hospital has cared for thousands of COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Hospital plans to continue to administer vaccinations to its staff over the next several weeks, following guidelines established by the Department of Health.