Sunday, Mar 09th

914: An Area Code and a Date to Remember

PCF1On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 or “9/14,” the Mario Cuomo Bridge was lit in gold in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Representatives from the Pediatric Cancer Foundation attended to recognize children in Westchester and beyond who are battling cancer, and to acknowledge the work that is being done to eradicate this dreadful disease.

EmilyThis year’s bridge lighting event featured Pediatric Cancer Foundation's Child Ambassador, Emily Levy, who participated virtually.

Representing Pediatric Cancer Foundation at the lighting left to right were Terry Z. Feldman (PCF Board member); Stefanie Mittman (PCF Medical Liaison) and husband, Brian Mittman, Nancy Joselson (PCF Director), Jayne Maslansky (PCF Board member) with husband, Harris; Jennifer Love (PCF Volunteer), Cheryl Reiss (Grandmother), Olivia Smith (bonus or stepsister), Mark Smith (bonus or stepdad), Zach Smith (bonus or stepbrother) who gathered together in front of the bridge ahead of the gold lighting.

siblingsEmily’s siblings Zach and Olivia flipped a ceremonial switch on behalf of their sister at 8:30 pm.

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month PCF hosted several fundraising events in September. A Back to School bake sale was held at the Westchester Mall on Saturday, September 10th. In addition to the bridge lighting on 9/14, PCF also hosted a Shop ‘N Shuffle which combined a day of canasta and mah jongg with a boutique at the Metropolis Country Club.
