Sunday, Mar 09th

Fire Fair at Crossway on Saturday

JT1 9295 LThe Scarsdale Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week with their annual Fire Prevention Fair. The event will be held at Fire Station 3, 56 Crossway, on Saturday, October 22, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, rain or shine!

Live fire demonstrations will illustrate the dangers of unattended cooking and improper fire extinguishment. There will be antique and modern fire apparatus on display, interactive lessons from the fire-safety trailer, bounce houses, refreshments, and a firefighter read-aloud to guarantee fun for the whole family. Guests are also encouraged to bring their own fire extinguishers from home for a complimentary inspection and hands-on training.

The Fire Prevention Fair is a great opportunity to meet our career and volunteer firefighters, who are eager to share key messages from this year’s campaign, Fire won’t wait.

Plan your escape:

• Make sure your home escape plan meets the needs of all your family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
• Smoke alarms should be installed inside every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Smoke alarms should be interconnected so when one sounds, they all sound.
• Know at least two ways out of every room, if possible. Make sure all doors and windows open easily.
• Have an outside meeting place for everyone at a safe distance from your home.
• Practice your home fire drill at least twice a year with everyone in the household, including guests. Practice at least once during the day and once at night.

For more information, please contact the Scarsdale Fire Department at 914-722-1215.