Sunday, Mar 09th

Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

asparagusThe following was contributed by Dr. Kay Lovig, Section Chief, Division of Endocrinology, White Plains Hospital
Eating right and taking care of yourself can often be a challenge during the holiday season. Here are some suggestions on just how to do that.
The constant hustle and bustle of the holiday season is filled with lots of temptation, and can cause many of us to go astray from our regular diet and fitness routines. Complex family dynamics, expensive gift-giving, and less time and resources to focus on self-care can leave you feeling a little less than jolly. To ease some of that holiday stress this year and stay the course with healthy habits, Dr. Kay Lovig, chief of endocrinology at White Plains Hospital, advises you follow these simple tips:

1. Anticipate your own holiday hot buttons
Perfection is not the goal of the holidays — joy is! Cramming more into your already crazy schedule can push you over the edge, so consider what is really doable before you commit. Remember that you don’t have to do everything. Sometimes it’s okay to take a time out, even during the holiday season.WPHDoctorsOct

2. Keep self-care your top priority
It’s easy to let this slip when you’re even busier than usual — but this is also the time you need to prioritize your own well-being. Keep it simple and incorporate little things into your daily routine to stay healthy inside and out. Make time for exercise to boost your mood, relieve stress and help ward off the holiday weight gain.

Lovig Kay WPHPA3. Plan ahead
Instead of fighting off the fruitcakes and trying to resist all of the temptations of the season, try to walk the line between self-denial and overdoing it by simply planning ahead. “If you know you’re in for a cocktail party filled with decadent appetizers and drinks, be extra vigilant about what you take in earlier in the day, and possibly the day after,” she says. And one more key tip on having a healthy holiday season: “Share the love and split dessert.”

Dr. Kay Lovig specializes in endocrinology and metabolism with a focus on women’s health, weight management, thyroid disorders and diabetes. For an appointment, call 914-849-7900.