Saturday, Sep 28th

Deoderant(The following was submitted by Dr. Lauren Adams)
When most of us think of deodorant, we think of our armpits – the usual source of body odor that can be embarrassing. But a wave of products being advertised as “whole-body deodorants” appears to be gaining traction in the marketplace through media ccoverage and a seemingly ceaseless series of TV commercials.

As the name implies, whole-body deodorants are for use on the whole body … up to a point. Dr. Lauren Adams, a board-certified dermatologist at WPHPA Westchester Dermatology and Mohs Surgery in Mount Kisco, notes that such products “should be used externally only,” even when using in the underwear area.

Indeed, she adds, using any product with a fragrance on or near one’s private parts should be done with caution. These are delicate areas and fragranced products can lead to skin irritation or allergy, even if they are being promoted as “natural” or “skin-safe.”

Dr. Adams says the same advice applies to any scented skincare products for those with sensitive skin, as patients with a WPHospitalJan2024history of eczema or skin allergies are even more likely to develop rashes in areas where fragranced products are applied.
The dermatologist notes that deodorants and antiperspirants, while synonymous in some people’s minds, are actually quite different. In fact, deodorants are considered cosmetic, while antiperspirants are classified as an over-the-counter drug and are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Antiperspirants are typically manufactured using aluminum compounds that temporarily plug up the sweat gland and prevent perspiration – while deodorants simply address the odor.
Sweating is a normal body function, Dr. Adams notes, so people may want to try a deodorant before committing to an antiperspirant to gauge the results.

She further notes that body odors are typically caused not by the body parts, or even the sweat glands themselves – of which there are between 2 and 4 million throughout the body but just around 25,000 in the armpits. Instead, body odor production requires a second ingredient: bacteria.

There are two types of sweat glands on the skin. The apocrine sweat glands, which are associated with hair follicles, are concentrated in the groin and armpits. The make-up of this sweat, which is slightly oily and includes cholesterol and fats, when combined with bacteria in these areas produce the body odors with which we are all familiar.

The eccrine sweat glands, which are located diffusely throughout the remainder of the body, produce sweat that is mostly water, electrolytes, and some antimicrobial peptides. This sweat is only malodorous in areas with significant amounts of bacteria, which is common to happen under the breasts or on the feet.

Although Dr. Adams says she hasn’t encountered patients asking about whole-body deodorants, the fact remains that they are on the rise. Usually credited with kicking off the trend is Dr. Shannon Klingman, an OB/GYN in Minnetonka, Minnesota who, according to her website, developed women’s deodorant Lumé in 2017, followed by male-friendly Mando a few years later, in order to address other sources of body odor.

While Lumé and Mando may not yet be household names, big-name competitors are entering the marketplace. Secret Whole Body Deodorant and Old Spice Total Body Deodorant, both owned by Procter & Gamble, debuted in February; the Ban Total Body Sweat & Odor Collection followed in March; and Unilever’s Dove Men+Care line launched its Whole Body Deo in April.
For all that, Dr. Adams says washing oneself with antibacterial soap, and drying thoroughly, should be sufficient for most people – and if not, they should see their dermatologist for evaluation. “Some degree of body odor is normal, and part of being human,” she remarks. “But if these products leave people feeling more confident and better about themselves, I think that’s a positive.”

Dr. Lauren Adams is a dermatologist at WPHPA Westchester Dermatology and Mohs Surgery in Mount Kisco. To make an appointment, call 914-242-2020.

Health Matters
The original version of this article was published in Health Matters, a White Plains Hospital publication.

AmyPaulin2022From NYS Assemblywoman Amy Paulin: Supreme Court’s reckless bump stocks decision endangers the safety of our families

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court issued a disastrous ruling that reversed the federal ban on bump stocks. This is an irresponsible and alarming decision that will make our communities less safe. It’s also another example of this iteration of the Court’s seeming indifference toward commonsense gun regulations.

Bump stocks can be used to replace the standard stock of a semi-automatic firearm, enabling it to fire at the rate of an automatic weapon. In recent years, we have seen mass shooters use this modification device on multiple occasions. The most horrific instance was the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, in which the shooter used bump stocks to modify his guns to fire rapidly, killing 60 people and injuring hundreds more in the deadliest shooting in our country’s history. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision recklessly increases the chances of something like this happening again.

Criminals seek out bump stocks solely to cause more carnage than they could with conventional firearms, and measures to keep them out of the wrong hands are crucial to protecting our communities. In 2020, in an effort to combat gun violence, I fought for and voted to ban bump stocks in New York State. That legislation passed, is still in effect, and is now more important than ever. We must continue to place the highest value on people’s right to live safely and without fear. This is the right that I’ll continue to fight for and legislate to protect.

cashmereWe have gotten several reports about clothing and carpet moth infestations in Scarsdale homes this month - from people who never had a problem before. Friends have pulled out cashmere sweaters, finding them riddled with holes, or dragged furniture away from the wall and discovered large holes in their wool carpets. What to do to stop the destruction?

We asked Stewart Muir, an Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) at JP Mchale, why this is happening and what, if anything, can be done. Here is what he shared:

Is this just coincidence or is there an increase in the population this year? If so, why?

There has been an increase in clothing moth activity over the years. Some of the reasons can be contributed to our warmer winters, increased deliveries of clothing to our homes, a shift back to natural fibers in clothing and carpeting and the introduction of natural fibers for insulation purposes.

How do they get into homes and closets?

Clothing moths can enter our homes from the outside through our open doors and windows and be introduced in packages delivered to our homes.

What are some preventive steps people can take to avoid the problem initially?

Some preventative measures the homeowner can do is to make sure all windows and doors are kept closed and screens are checked for any tears. Inspect any deliveries for possible adult moths concealed in the packages.

Once moths are discovered, what should people do to eradicate them?

Once discovered a pest professional should be contacted to conduct a thorough inspection of the home. If adults are seen flying around home, a vacuum can be used to remove.

Is it possible to totally eliminate them - once found in the house?

If the source of the infestation is found and removed, you can eliminate a clothing moth infestation. Unfortunately, if the source, either natural insulation or dead rodents, is behind a wall or ceiling, the chance of elimination decreases greatly.

What commercial solutions do you recommend - traps etc?

While Pheromone traps will help control a clothing moth infestation, they will never eliminate one. Without a thorough inspection from a pest professional and applying pesticides in the proper amounts and locations, elimination will not occur.

However, an article in the Atlantic this month says the fight to eliminate the moths is futile. Katherine J. Wu writes, “Sweater-Eating Moths Are an Unbeatable Enemy” She quotes Isabel Novick, a biologist at Boston University who says, “These particular moths—webbing clothes moths—are simply too well adapted to modern human life; as a species, “they don’t really live outside anymore,” Clothes moths have evolved into a perfect nuisance, so capable of subsisting on the contents of our homes that permanently purging them may be impossible.”

And according to the Atlantic, the moths won’t stop with your cashmere sweaters. Anything is fair game. The article says, “Woolen clothing makes for an especially convenient meal. But clothes-moth larvae will also happily eat carpets and rugs woven with animal hair—as well as upholstered furniture, wool insulation, the downy stuffing in couches and pillows, and the woolen felt pads sometimes found in pianos. Pushed to its limit, webbing clothes moths may also turn to nylon stockings, cotton blends, soybean meal, or household dust.”

Sadly it seems moths, like deer, are here to stay. The best you can do is to take preventative measures like dry cleaning sweaters and keeping them in plastic bags or storage boxes before stowing them away for the summer. Wrap sweaters in plastic bags and put them in the freezer to kill any larvae. To prevent them from finding breeding spots, do your best to dust, vacuum and clean areas where household dirt accumulates. Last, consider wearing synthetic materials. Though they are “unnatural,” they have a better chance of surviving in your closet. As for your carpets, wool and wool blends are all prey to the moths. So rather than investing in expensive wool carpets, go for polypropylene. It's reasonably priced, wears well and is resistant to moths.

Do you have any solutions? Please comment below.

marathonIf your goal is to run a marathon, you're in good company. Distance running has grown significantly in popularity over the last several decades, with more than 50,000 runners completing the TCS New York City Marathon in 2023. While running is a great exercise option with many health benefits, as with any new exercise plan, it is best to consult with your physician to discuss any underlying health conditions before you begin.

With a few precautions, you can prevent common running injuries and make the most of your training. The most important part of a running program for injury prevention is a proper warmup and cool down. A 5 to 10-minute “dynamic warmup,” such as walking lunges, high-stepping, or arm circles, will get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles in motion more effectively than simple stretching.

There are a variety of resources online with customized training plans based on your experience level, with a typical training timeframe of 16 WPHospitalJan2024weeks for beginners. I recommend starting small with running just one mile, walking part of the way if you need to. Take the next day off and see how you feel.

It is normal to experience discomfort during and after running, but it is important to recognize the difference between “good pain,” such as muscle aches, and “bad pain,” which might indicate an injured tendon or inflammation of the tendon from overtraining. If you experience sharp pain around your hip, ankle or knee during every step, pinching pain or the sensation of buckling or instability, pause your training regimen and see an orthopedist.

For overall conditioning and to avoid muscle strains, add two strength training sessions per week to your routine on days when you aren’t running. Try body weight exercises with resistance bands, push-ups, crunches, lunges, or calf raises. Remember to incorporate at least two rest days into your routine each week to allow your body time to recover.

StevenAndelmanDr. Steven AndelmanAim to increase the intensity of your training by no more than 10% each week to build your endurance as you approach race day. “Slow and steady” is truly a winning mantra.

Dr. Steven Andelman is an orthopedic surgeon at White Plains Hospital Physician Associates who specializes in adult and pediatric sports medicine. For an appointment, call 914-849-7897.

Health Matters
The original version of this article was published in Health Matters, a White Plains Hospital publication.

HandSurgery(The following was submitted by Dr. George Pianka from White Plains Hospital)

For patients experiencing discomfort or struggling with daily activities due to chronic afflictions of the hand, advancements in hand surgery have brought new treatment options to help relieve pain and restore function in a convenient outpatient setting.

A technique known as Wide Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet (WALANT) has proven transformational for patients, says Dr. George Pianka, a board certified orthopedic surgeon at White Plains Hospital Physician Associates.

“Many procedures that were previously difficult to do without general anesthesia can now be done using WALANT,” explains Dr Pianka, who has been at the forefront of the specialty for nearly 35 years. In addition to his board certification, Dr. Pianka holds a Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand and is a member of the prestigious American Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Relieving Pain, Restoring FunctionWPHospitalJan2024
Dr. Pianka attributes the growing popularity of WALANT procedures to the ease, comfort and convenience they offer patients, especially those whose hand function has been compromised due to stenosing tenosynovitis, also known as “trigger finger” and Dupuytren’s contracture, an abnormal thickening of tissues in the palm of the hand.

Trigger fingers have multiple symptoms, including finger stiffness, a popping or clicking sensation as the finger moves, tenderness, and one or more fingers being locked in a bent position.

The WALANT procedure to address trigger fingers is known as percutaneous trigger finger release, and is performed in the office during a routine visit with a small needle puncture. The band of tissue along the tendon sheath at the base of the finger known as the A1 pulley is divided, allowing the tendon to move freely. The procedure takes one to two minutes and return to normal activity is allowed immediately. Patients can easily receive treatment for multiple fingers affected over time.

Dupuytren’s contracture is believed to be hereditary, although the specific causes are not known. Symptoms can include uncomfortable lumps and pits within the palm, bending of the finger(s) towards the palm and difficulty doing daily activities, such as washing hands or putting on gloves, or shaking hands.
Similar to trigger finger, patients with Dupuytren’s contracture can also find relief for their symptoms with a short in-office WALANT procedure known as Needle Aponeurotomy. During the procedure, under local anesthesia, the abnormal tissue in the hand is weakened with multiple passes of a needle and then separated to open the finger from the palm. There is no open wound.

Benefits of WALANT Procedures for Patients

In addition to comfort and convenience, a key benefit that WALANT procedures offer is making treatment available to patients who may not be candidates for traditional surgery due to the risks that general anesthesia may pose to their health, such as those with conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); cardiovascular conditions; those who have had a recent heart attack or stroke; or who take blood thinners.

Pianka GeorgeWhat’s more, patients who take medications to manage chronic health conditions who may have had to stop their medications in advance of a surgery can instead continue these regimens as normal. Additionally, many patients in good health but who are unable to take time away from work and family obligations for surgery can now access treatment that fits into their lifestyle. As a result, “a whole new patient population can get the care they need,” explains Dr. Pianka.
Many times, the consultation and procedure can be done in the same in-office visit, after which patients enjoy rapid recovery, including minimal wound care. “A small adhesive bandage over the needle puncture is all that is required. Hand washing is allowed later that same day,” shares Dr. Pianka, emphasizing that patients can feel better and get back to their lives even faster.

Dr. George Pianka sees patients at White Plains Hospital Physician Associates in Hawthorne and Yonkers. To make an appointment, call (914) 631-7777 (Hawthorne) or (914) 375-7777 (Yonkers).

Health Matters: The original version of this article was published in Health Matters, a White Plains Hospital publication.