Sunday, Mar 09th

The Tax Revaluation Survey Results Are In

taxesThe results of our Tax Revaluation survey are in and 65.8% of respondents believe there should be a village-wide reassessment.

Of those that completed the survey, 97.5% live in the Village of Scarsdale and 98.7% own their own home. The self-selected group that elected to provide their answers is highly aware of the issue and 90.2% knew that Village management is considering a total reassessment of properties in Scarsdale.

Though the group favored the revaluation, it is interesting to note their response to the following question: If the village conducted a reassessment, do you think your taxes would increase, decrease or remain the same. Over half, or 56% believed their taxes would remain the same, 35% believed they would go down and 9% thought their taxes would go up.

However, when asked if they thought their current tax assessment was unfair, 48% answered yes. So perhaps, some of the 56% who thought their taxes would remain the same after a revaluation believe that Scarsdale homeowners overall are too highly taxed. More than a quarter, or 26.8% of respondents appealed their assessment this year, and 65% of respondents said they would permit an assessor to enter their home to inspect.

Respondents were less certain about regularly timed reassessments after the revaluation. When asked, “Do you think reassessments should be done on a regular basis? (every four years), 51.8% agreed, 33.7% said no and 14.4% were unsure.

In the comments section, many complained about high taxes and the proposed $1.750,000 million it would cost to do the revaluation.

In total, only 85 users responded so that survey results cannot be used to gauge Village-wide opinion, but do serve as an indicator of resident’s beliefs.