Sunday, Mar 09th

Schools to Open Prior to Labor Day

gearFor the first time in recent memory, the Scarsdale Schools will open before Labor Day weekend. This is partially due to calendar changes to accommodate the celebration of some new holidays. The schedule still allows for a full two week break from December 25 to January 5, 2024, however, It does mean that some families will be returning from their summer break earlier than in prior years. See the district calendar here.

For high school students, here is the line-up of events:

August 21

Fall Sports Preseason Begins
Though it’s only mid-August, it’s time for the athletes to start their fall seasons. From the 21st until the first day of class, most sports will have tryouts and practices every day except Sundays. Teams will receive their season schedule from their assigned coaches. Whether it’s soccer, tennis, cheerleading, boys cross country, girls cross country, field hockey, football, boys soccer, girls soccer, girls swimming & diving, girls tennis, boys volleyball or girls volleyball the Scarsdale Raiders will begin preparations for fall competition. For more information and to complete the athletic clearance form, go to

Wednesday August 30

Freshman Orientation 8:00am-3:00pm
Entering high school as a freshman is a major milestone. Not only are the high school hallways bigger than the middle school, but the responsibilities are as well. During orientation the Class of 2027 will receive their class schedules from their deans, go on tours of the building, have their photos taken, learn about extracurricular and service opportunities, and have the chance to discuss transition issues with senior classmen.

A-School Orientation 8:00am-3:00pm
Similar to the Freshman Orientation, the A-School Orientation is a time for both incoming and returning A-School students to engage in fun activities to get to know their new classmates and reconnect with their teachers.

10-12th Grade New Student Orientation 1:00pm-2:30pm, Room 370
For students new to the district, this orientation will familiarize you with the high school and all the diverse opportunities it offers.

Thursday August 31

First Day of School:
Doors open for a full day of school at 8 am.

Barbeque 6:00 pm at Brewster Road entrance
The annual back-to-school barbeque is a classic Scarsdale festivity in which all students are invited to eat delicious food, reconnect with friends, and kick off the school year to come!

Monday September 4

School closed for Labor Day