Sunday, Mar 09th

No New Math Program Is Approved In Edgemont

textbookSeely Place School Principal Edward Kennedy sent an interesting missive to parents on September 23. He was writing to correct an article that appeared in the local newspaper, where it was reported that the Edgemont Board of Education had approved a new K-5 math program for the district’s elementary schools. The article ran on page 10 of the September 17 issue of the Scarsdale Inquirer and the headline said, “BOE approves new K-5 math program.”
However, according to Kennedy’s letter, no new math program was proposed or approved at the September 14th meeting of the Edgemont Board of Education. At the meeting, Kennedy had presented a supplementary math program that was developed during the summer months. When the Board reconvenes in October it will consider the adoption of the supplementary program in December 2010 or January 2011.

In addition, the article said that the “McDougal Littell Math Course 2” program was under consideration. According to Kennedy, McDougall Littell Math Course 2 is a textbook that was approved by the Board last spring, and is currently in use in the sixth grade.