Friends of Music and the Arts Makes A Gift to the Schools
- Category: Schools
- Published: Friday, 07 January 2011 17:32

The Friends of Music and the Arts in the Scarsdale Schools has announced its largest gift to the schools in its history; $12,131.00 will be donated to the Scarsdale Public Schools. Arts and music teachers in every grade will use the funds to augment their programs.
Some of the items already requested include additional glass display cases for the high school lobby, digital recorders, and a huge variety of instruments at every grade level.
The Friends is a dedicated group of community volunteers. Every cent raised by FMA goes directly into the schools allowing the arts and music programs to retain the highest standards.
They also advocate for the arts at community and district meetings and provide information to the public about upcoming events. Their website, is a resource, for information about summer and college programs in the arts. Visit their site here: