Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgemont School News:

edgemontphotoOn January 19th, the Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee held a public meeting for the purpose of accepting nominations for the Edgemont School Board. There will be two vacancies on the Board created by the expiring terms of current board members Michaeline Curtis and Wasim Salimi, both of whom are completing their first terms. Three letters of nomination were received and accepted by the Committee. Both Ms. Curtis and Mr. Salimi were nominated for second terms, and Anish Nanavaty was nominated for a first term on the Board. The SBNC will conduct interviews of the nominees and makes its recommendations in March. Members of the Edgemont community are encouraged to submit letters of comment regarding any of the nominees. Letters of comment may be submitted to Marc Ackerman as Chair of the Edgemont SBNC at 101 Moorland Drive, Scarsdale, NY 10583, or to any SBNC member, and must be received by March 1st.

Sign Up for the Edgemont Scholarship Fundraiser: If you could use a warm fireplace, a soothing bottle of wine, a good steak, and some schlag, you are in luck. The Edgemont Scholarship Council "Make a Difference" fundraiser is just around the corner. This special evening raises funds to help our kids in need go on to college.

The event will be held at 7 pm on January 31st at the new Benjamin's Steak House on West Hartsdale Ave (formerly Mighty Joe Young)

For reservations and questions please contact Shari Turell at or call her at 725-2188.