Sunday, Mar 09th

Trip to Ellis Island and Multi-Cultural Fair

ellisisland5Two fifth grade classes from Heathcote Elementary got a taste of what some of their ancestors experienced when they set foot on Ellis Island. Mr. Deberry and Ms. Boyer took their classes on the journey on February 17, going by bus to the Ellis Island Ferry, and taking the ferry across the water. They viewed the Statue of Liberty, visited the immigration museum and sought out their ancestors’ names on the Wall of Honor, which includes over 700,000 names of those who immigrated to the United States. The students will use what they learned on the trip in ongoing class projects.ellisisland2

Pictures of Ellis Island courtesy of Jon Thaler. To see more photos and purchase copies go to


Learning About Russia
The Multi-Cultural Committee of the Edgewood PTA presented students with a Multi-Cultural Fair on February 17. After an assembly of presentations from many countries, the students received a passport and visited booths from 19 countries with their buddy classes. They learned a bit about each country and received a sticker from each country for their passports.

Photos Courtesy of Tracy McCarthy

Trying on a Chinese Dragon



Spinning Japanese Tops