Sunday, Mar 09th

School Budget and Board Vote Today!

votecheckToday, Tuesday May 17 is voting day for school budgets across the state. In Scarsdale, the proposed $138 million school budget keeps budget growth at 2.75%, two-thirds due to state mandated retirement costs. However, it calls for a 4.81% property tax increase for Scarsdale residents and a 3.19% increase for those in the Mamaroneck strip. Well over half the proposed budget growth of 1.72% is due to required pension assessments that are determined by an independent state authority. Most of the remaining growth comes from salary increases that were renegotiated last year to reduce cost.

This year's budget protects the core curriculum, initiatives in critical thinking and begins Mandarin in the high school. The budget also allows for class sizes to remain the same in the elementary schools and for a second school nurse at the Scarsdale Middle School.

Two new school board nominees; Jonathan Lewis and Sunil Subbakrishna will also be on Tuesday's ballot.

Voting is open Tuesday the 17th of May from 7am to 9pm at the Scarsdale Middle School.

The proposed Edgemont School budget of $50.7 million represents a budget-to-budget increase of 2.73% and a tax rate increase of 2.65%. This is the lowest increase in two decades. Also on the ballot are Michaeline Curtis and Anish Nanavaty who were selected by the Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee to fill the two impending vacancies on the Edgemont Board of Education.

In Edgemont, voting is on from 6 am to 9 pm at the Edgemont High School gym. Voters may park in convenient spaces right next to the gym especially marked voter parking.