Sunday, Mar 09th

Seniors Enjoy Transition Day

trans9On Monday, June 6, Scarsdale High School hosted its annual Senior Transition Day. Most of the seniors had been gone for a month pursuing projects for Senior Options, so the day allowed the class a time to get reacquainted before graduation. The day began with presentations from a panel of SHS graduates who had just completed their first year in college. Deans questioned the college students about their college experience, from making friends at school, to effective time management, and making the most out of their college careers. Senior Shelby Rokito found the questions “thoughtful” and “successful in guiding the conversation.” After the panel, the seniors broke up into different rooms with their respective deans to reflect on the high school experience and share memories.  Finally, trans3seniors gathered in the gym to receive their long-awaited yearbooks. Many students sat on the bleachers to sign each other’s yearbooks. Not only could they see their current pictures, but students were also delighted to find their elementary school class photos hanging on the wall. Looking back at pictures from each school year they grew sentimental and wondred what next year would bring. There were sandwiches for all and the parents committee provided an assortment of cakes and cookies including a cake with the class picture. Rokito summed up the day saying, “I thought it was a good way to allow our grade to come together and bond while moving on to the next step in our education.”
