Sunday, Mar 09th

Farewell to Edgemont's Retiring Teachers

retcardellinoThe Edgemont High School graduation and the moving up ceremonies at the two elementar y schools were bittersweet as the school district said goodbye to twelve wonderful and dedicated teachers. The teachers took the early retirement incentive offered this past spring, causing a significant decrease in the Edgemont school budget.

At Edgemont High School five teachers are retiring, including long time math teacher and advisor for Mathletes, Susan Cardellino. She instilled a love of math in the many students she taught and always found the time to help a student understand a math problem. EHS special educator Diana Herman, will also retire and many families are extremely sad to see her go. She was a teacher as well as a friend to her students. Susan Holden is retiring from the guidance department. She was the junior high guidance counselor and a trusted confidante for many students who knew they could always come to her when they needed to talk. Ellen Perlman taught social studies at EHS, and also was the Model UN Advisor for 15

Diana Herman
years. Ms. Perlman is a dedicated teacher who always has something kind to say to everyone she greeted. Last but certainly not least, EHS health and AP psychology teacher Ilene Smith will be leaving. Ms. Smith has been teaching at EHS for over twenty years and in recent years has even taught the children of some of her original students. She will be missed greatly. Many students and parents cried as they said goodbye to these special teachers on graduation day.

At Greenville School three veteran teachers retired. Gail Grollman started at Greenville teaching sixth grade, followed by first grade and finally second grade during her last year. She considers all her students part of her extended family and will be missed. Fifth grade teacher Barbara Frascella will be remembered for her love of science and her

Ellen Perlman
ability to share that love with her students. And finally, Greenville fifth grade teacher, ETA president and Edgemont Recreation Director Paul Solomon is leaving. Mr. Solomon initiated the Washington DC trip for the fifth graders many years ago, a trip that is remembered fondly and much discussed by Edgemont graduates. He recently received the Silver Box award from the Edgemont Community Council for all he has done for Edgemont.

At Seely Place, four veteran teachers retired including longtime sixth grade teacher Alan Cass. Many EHS students were so upset to hear that Mr. Cass was leaving their elementary school, they gathered together to sign a giant farewell card for him. Sixth grade camp will not be the same without him. Second grade teacher Kerry Gerling will be fondly remembered by her many students and parents for the warmth she brought to her classroom. Ms. Gerling is also an EHS graduate. Physical Education teacher Mary Raciborski will be remembered for her dedication

Ilene Smith
to the well being of all students. She was a strong advocate for daily exercise. She coached numerous teams at EHS over the years including varsity gymnastics and modified field hockey. Finally ESL teacher Susan Silkowitz will be missed by the students she taught during her years at Seely. She helped many children and their families make a successful transition to the district.

Thanks to these twelve teachers for their years of service to Edgemont.


Susan Holden
Gail Grollman



Barbara Frascella
Paul Solomon



Alan Cass
Kerry Gerling



Mary Raciborski
Susan Silkowitz

Pictured at top: Susan Cardellino