Sunday, Mar 09th

School Board Nominating Committee Slate is Announced for January Election

SBNCAdminThe Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee has announced its slate of candidates for election to the School Board Nominating Committee in 2012. There are four candidates vying for two seats in each election district, except for Quaker Ridge where three candidates will be running for two seats. Biographical snapshots of the candidates below will be published the first week in January:

  • Edgewood-Kathryn Conlan, John Cromwell, Mary Beth Evans and Neil Pierson
  • Fox Meadow-Diane Baylor, Mary Lou D’Silva, Jamie Reiffel Kefer and Joan Mazur
  • Greenacres-Amy Lewis, Dana Matsushita , Michael McKenna and Barry Meiselman
  • Heathcote-Amy Cohen Bauman, Peggy DaSilva, Gary Simon and Gregory Soldatenko
  • Quaker Ridge-Alicia Feldman, Debbie Hochberg and Tracy Nathanson

Also on the ballot will be proposed amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution. These amendments were modified slightly after a public meeting last week. The final version can be found at: .

Voting will take place at the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium Lobby on Tuesday, January 17 from 7:00am to 10:00am and from 2:00 pm to 9:00pm. Mail-in ballots are available for those who chose not to vote in person at or the Reference Desk of the Scarsdale Library or in the brochure racks of Village Hall Lobby or by calling Nan Berke 472-8387. The SBNC encourages all Scarsdalians to vote.

Pictured Above: Jyoti Ruta -Chair of the SBNC, Michael Pollack and Nan Berke, Co-chairs of the Administrative Committee of the SBNC.