Sunday, Mar 09th

Proposed 2012-13 Scarsdale School Budget is Unveiled

shs2At the first community budget review session on Tuesday February 6, the Scarsdale School administration presented their initial draft of the 2012-13 proposed school budget. Ending months of speculation about whether or not the budget would exceed the 2% New York State cap, the proposed draft does include an increase that is .94% above the cap, bringing the total tax levy increase to 3.62% for a proposed school budget of $142,884,284. For the average Scarsdale taxpayer, the .94% increase above the cap would mean an additional payment of $220.

The proposed budget for 2012-13 exceeds the prior year’s budget of $138,443,938 by $3,840,946 or 2.77%. The largest contributing factors to the increase are teacher salaries, pension and health care payments and plant improvement funds. However, due to a projected dip in enrollment in the elementary schools, the district plans to reduce staff by five full time employees, saving about $500,000 in salaries and another $200,000 in benefits.

The “2% cap” is actually a misnomer, as certain items are exempt from the cap by law. The administration is permitted to add Scarsdale’s growth rate of .0057% to the two percent and to eliminate $1,570,000 in proposed capitol expenditures from the cap calculation.

Enrollment trends from the demographer suggest that 62 fewer students will enter elementary school next year. This is the second year in a row that enrollment will drop from a high in 2010-11. Since the numbers at the middle school and high school will remain constant, no changes in the number of teachers at these two school will be made. However, a very large class of 409 students now in the seventh grade will move through the high school in the coming years, and therefore the administration does not anticipate any cuts in high school staffing for the foreseeable future.

The proposed budget includes the use of $3.87 million from the fund balance, a figure that will be discussed among Board members at a later meeting. It was noted at the session that the school has been experiencing surpluses in the past few years. For 2011-12 the administration again expects that revenues will exceed expenses as there have been savings for fuel due to the warm winter, teachers salaries and health care costs.

Assistant Superintendent Linda Purvis outlined projects that would be financed with the $1.570 million plant improvement budget which is $500,000 higher than 2011-12 but still 25% lower than the 2008-9 number. Almost all of the line items are for repairs or safety compliance. On the list are the following:

  • Ventilation system replacement at Edgewood
  • Asbestos removal and lighting upgrade in the Heathcote auditorium
  • Exterior stair replacement at the Middle School
  • New oil tank and column repairs at Choice
  • Emergency generator connection at the High School

One new project will be undertaken. At Scarsdale High School the former auto shop will be converted into a satellite lounge/cafeteria for small group instruction.

In the community comments portion of the meeting, High School PTA President Vivienne Braun asked the Board if they are addressing high school staffing issues following the reduction of the staff by eight full time positions since 2008. Superintendent McGill responded that Assistant Principal Kelly Hamm has reviewed class size numbers several times and found that the number of sections that exceed 25 students are within historical averages.

Discussion of the proposed budget will continue on Wednesday night February 8 in rooms 170-172 of Scarsdale High School. The public is invited to attend.

Comments? Please include your first and last names along with any comments you have on the school budget.

(Photo courtesy of Nan Berke)