Sunday, Mar 09th

The Search Is Over

deskchairScarsdale Schools Superintendent Mike McGill announced today that a new principal has been hired to lead Scarsdale High School. The position has been largely vacant since Principal John Klemme took a leave in December, 2010, and returned for a few weeks in April 2011 to complete the school year. In the interim, the principal’s responsibilities have been shared, initially by three and now four assistant principals.

The official search for a new candidate began in December, 2011 when a screening committee of teachers, parents and administrators was formed. According to Dr. McGill’s email, the committee interviewed 27 candidates out of a field of more than 75 prospects. Semi-finalists came to the District in April for day-long interviews with students, parents and teachers. Once the final candidate was identified, references were checked, a visiting team went to his school and he met with the Scarsdale Board of Education.

The new principal of Scarsdale High School will be Kenneth Bonamo, who currently heads the Townsend Harris High School in New York City. According to their website, the school is a selective public high school located at Queens College. The school enrollment is ethnically diverse and consists of 1,108 students who draw from all five boroughs of the city. The school has high rankings in city, state and national surveys.

Founded on a tradition of scholarship and community service, students at the school “aspire to live” the following Ephebic Oath:

I shall never bring disgrace to my city, nor shall I ever desert my comrades in the ranks; but I, both alone and with my many comrades, shall fight for the ideals and sacred things of the city. I shall willingly pay heed to whoever renders judgment with wisdom and shall obey both the laws already established and whatever laws the people in their wisdom shall establish. I, alone and with my comrades, shall resist anyone who destroys the laws or disobeys them. I shall not leave my city any less but rather greater than I found it.

According to Dr. McGill, parents, colleagues and supervisors at Townsend agree that Bonano has “ championed an education for the new century, upheld high standards for learning and behavior, and restored a sense of leadership.”

McGill is “fully confident that (Bonano will) provide the High School with vision and leadership that will be consistent with the best Scarsdale tradition.”