Sunday, Mar 09th

Take Our Survey: Tutoring: How Often and How Much

TutoringThis week it’s back to school for area kids and for some, it’s back to tutoring as well. Tutoring middle school and high school students for school subjects and standardized tests is a hot topic for many parents. Is it really necessary? Do kids who are tutored have an advantage? How much does it cost? Is it okay to use teachers from inside the district or not?

These are all questions that are debated by parents year after year.

To find out more about how much students are tutored and how much it’s costing their parents, we’ve designed a brief survey.

If you had a child or children in middle school or high school last year, please complete the survey-- once for each child in those grades. Whether your kids attend Scarsdale, Edgemont or another area district, please participate.

Your anonymity is assured. We will not see your email address or even your IP address!

So please take a few minutes to answer our questions. After we have the results, we will publish them for your review.

To start, click here:

Thank you,
Joanne Wallenstein