Sunday, Mar 09th

The Mama's Boy Myth: Tonight at Scarsdale Middle School

mamasboymythScarsdale welcomes back SHS graduate and journalist Kate Stone Lombardi who will re-examine the mother-son relationship and discuss her newest book, “The Mama’s Boy Myth,” Why Keeping Our Sons Close Makes Them Stronger.

Ms. Lombardi’s talk will touch upon a family bond that has rarely been discussed. She’ll review her findings on redefining a healthy mother–son relationship at every age and stage of development. “Should a mother defer to her husband when he insists that she stop kissing their first-grade son when she drops him off at school? If a mother cuddles her ten-year-old son when he is hurt, will she turn him into a wimp? If she keeps him too close, will she make him gay? If a teenage boy is crying in his room, should a mother go in and comfort him, or would this embarrass and shame him? If a mother is too affectionate with her son, might it be construed as seductive?”

Lombardi is the recipient of six Clarion awards and has written for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. She is also the mother of lombardia 23-year old son, who is “proud of his close relationship with his Mom.”

See her at the Scarsdale Middle School on Tuesday October 23rd at 7:30 pm.