Sunday, Mar 09th

Vote on Wednesday

votingboothThe Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee, which chooses School Board candidates, will hold elections for its 2013 slate on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 from 7:00am to 10:00 am and 2:00pm to 9:00 pm in the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium Lobby (134 Mamaroneck Rd.) Mail-in ballots are available to be downloaded and printed here. Also, copies of the mail-in ballot are at the Reference Desk of the Scarsdale Library, the brochure racks in Village Hall or by calling Lisa Rodman at 725-3435. The mail-in ballot is not just for people planning to be out of town on Election Day. It can be used by anyone who will not be voting in person but must be received at PO Box 172H by 5pm on Tuesday, January 15, 2013.

Two candidates from each of the five districts will be election. Biographies of each SBNC candidate are below:


JEANNINE M. PALERMO - 24 Sprague Rd. Resident for 16 years.
Education: Fordham University (BS)
Occupation: Owner, FitnessLink LLC (Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor)
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Youth Hockey Association, VP (2008-present); PT Council, Secretary (2008- 2010); Edgewood PTA President (2007-2008), PTA President-Elect (2006-2007); Recreation Basketball, Asst. Coach (2007-2012); Summer Baseball League, Asst. Coach (2007-2011); Edgewood PTA Committee Chair for the Edgewood Fair, Fair Food Court, Teacher Luncheon, Theme Night, Class Mom (2003-2012); SMS PTA, 6th/7th Grade Rec Night co-chair (2009-2011), 8th Grade Breakfast co-chair (2012).
Children: 13, 11

NEIL PIERSON - 118 Bradley Rd. Resident for 8 years.
Education: SUNY Stony Brook
Occupation: Director, Application Development, National Hockey League.
Civic Activities: Coalition for Scarsdale Schools, founding member; Arthur Manor Association, member. Child: 8

JOHN SOUCHACK - 216 Nelson Rd. Resident for 8 years. Education: Kean College of New Jersey (BA)
Occupation: Self Employed
Children: 18, 16

CAROLYN STEVENS - 122 Potter Rd. Resident for 21 years.
Education: City College of New York (BA), Brooklyn Law School (JD)
Occupation: Executive Director, Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce; Special Consultant to the Federal Court Monitor on the Westchester Housing Settlement
Civic Activities: Mayor, Village of Scarsdale (2009-2011); Village Trustee, which included serving as Police Commissioner and Deputy Mayor; Westchester County League of Women Voters Board member; Citizen Budget Advisory Committee to the County Board of Legislators; Scarsdale Bowl Committee; chair of several Board committees; Scarsdale League of Woman Voters Board member; TVCC Secretary and Board member, Board of Architectural Review, Girl Scout Leader
Children: 25, 20


MARY BLUM - 22 Wayside Lane. Resident for 16 years
Education: Pine Manor College (BA), Business Management AA Liberal Arts; Manhattanville College, Master's Elementary Education
Occupation: Realtor, Julia B. Fee Sotheby's International
Civic Activities: The Center @862 (Scarsdale Teen Center) Board member; The Windward School, Spirit Wear Chair; Scarsdale Adult School, Publicity Manager (2007-2011); SMS Multicultural Committee co- chair; Fox Meadow PTA Public Relations Committee, Learning to Look, Ways & Means '04 co-chair; Westchester Reform Temple-Religious School former Board member, Events Committee, Raising the Bar Committee; Scarsdale Community Center, former Board Member; TVCC, Centennial co-chair; Junior League of Central Westchester, sustaining member; The Little School, Fundraising and Events Chair Children: 15, 13

DEBORAH A. MOREL - 88 Brite Ave. Resident for 13 years.
Education: BS, Cornell University; JD, Buffalo Law School, SUNY
Occupation: Homemaker
Civic Activities: League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, Board member and Recording Secretary; LWVS Candidates Forum, Chair (last year and currently); Meals on Wheels of Scarsdale delivery person; PT Council Community Calendar co-chair (2012-2013); FM PTA member and volunteer since 2003,
FM PTA President (2010-2011), FM PTA board member (2 yrs prior to presidency); Junior League of Central Westchester, sustaining member and tour guide for Wayside Cottage (since 2003), also served two separate terms on board and co-chaired several committees; Girl Scout Leader (2004-2008)
Children: 14, 10

JOHN E. SPIRO - 43 Tompkins Rd. Grew up in Scarsdale (1-18 years old) Adult resident since 2000. Education: Haverford College (BA); PhD University of California, San Diego; Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University Medical Center
Occupation: Neuroscientist; Deputy Scientific Director, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative Civic Activities: Maroon and White, board member (2012); SMS Career Day presenter (2010), Speech Contest Judge (2008-2011); Young Writers Conference presenter (2006);
Children: 13, 16

JOHN ZAFF - 5 Lorraine Place. Resident for 11 years. Education: New York University (BA)
Occupation: Owner, Video Services Production Company Children: 16, 12


PERRY BRAUN - 17 Kingston Rd. Resident for 15 years.
Education: Yale College (BA), Harvard Law School (JD)
Occupation: Chief Investment Officer
Civic Activities: Member, Social Action Committee, Westchester Reform Temple; Cub Scout Leader, Pack 440; SMS Speech Contest Judge
Children: 18, 16 and 14

KEVIN HIGGINS - 34 Claremont Rd. Resident for 6 years.
Education: Franklin & Marshall College (BS); Union College (MBA) Occupation: Banker, Managing Director, BNY Mellon
Civic Activities: Recreation Youth Soccer Coach; Scarsdale Little League Coach Children: 11, 9
JOSH WEISMER - 25 Greenacres Ave. Resident for 2 years. Education: Lehigh University (BS), Yale School of Management (MBA)
Occupation: Investment Banker
Civic Activities: Coach, Kindergarten girls' softball; Coach, 1st grade and Kindergarten boys' baseball; Board member, 10 East End Avenue Owners Corporation, NYC
Children: 8, 6, and 2


MICHAEL W. BLUMSTEIN - 11 Wheelock Rd. Resident for 19 years.
Education: Brown University (AB); Harvard Business School (MBA)
Occupation: Chief Administrative Officer, Argus Information & Advisory Services, a division of Verisk Analytics
Civic Activities: Previously board member and treasurer of the JCC of Mid-Westchester
Children: 14, 21 and 25

DANIEL GOLDMAN - 12 Leatherstocking Lane. Resident for 5 years. Education: Brandeis University (BA); New York University School of Law (JD) Occupation: Attorney
Children: 10, 12

LEVI LITMAN - 59 Drake Rd. Grew up in Scarsdale; Adult resident since 2009.
Education: Trinity College (BA); Fordham University, Master's in Educational Leadership and Policy Occupation: Teacher, Byram Hills School District
Civic Activities: Class of 1998 Class President, Trinity College Alumni Association; member, Drake- Edgewood Neighborhood Association
Child: 10 months old


RONNY HERSCH - 32 Benedict Rd. Resident for 17 years.
Education: SUNY Albany
Occupation: Homemaker/Former career as an Actuary
Civic Activities: Chair, SHS Safety Committee; Westchester Reform Temple Religious School Board member; Youth Employment Services (YES) Board member and office volunteer; Quaker Ridge School class parent, Learning to Look, and book fair volunteer; SMS store volunteer, Pizza Day, chair; DOROT volunteer; SHS College and Career Center and Library volunteer
Children: 16, 14 and 8

AVNER INGERMAN - 7 Corell Rd. Resident for 6 years. Education: MD MSc., Tel Aviv University Medical School Occupation: Pharma executive MD
Children: 14, 11 and 5

AMANDA RANGAIAH - 14 Black Hawk Road. Resident for 11 years.

Education: BA in Economics, University of Hartford
Occupation: Currently a stay-at-home parent. Lived in London May 2008-August 2012. Former positions; SVP, Citibank; VP Account Director, Wunderman
Civic Activities: Member of Saint John's Wood Women's Club (London); volunteer at the American Church in London soup kitchen; member PTA at American School in London, team leader for Community Service outreach program; liaison for ASL Welcome Family Program, coordinator for PTA Auction, key fundraising event for the school
Children: 15,13 and 11

ALISON SINGER - 3 Continental Rd. Resident for 13 years.
Education: Yale College (BA in Economics, Magna cum laude); Harvard Business School (MBA) Occupation: Founder and President, The Autism Science Foundation. Previously, VP, Cable & New Business Development, NBC; and Senior News Producer, CNBC
Civic Activities: Parent member, Scarsdale Board of Education Committee on Special Education; Parent member, Scarsdale Board of Education Committee on Preschool Special Education; Previous: Chair, Scarsdale CHILD
Children: 15, 13