Sunday, Mar 09th

SBNC Announces Election Results

shscupolacopyThe results of the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee are in. Here are the candidates who were chosen to join the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee at the SBNC elections on Wednesday, January 15th:

Edgewood: Karen Brew and Laurie Medvinsky
Fox Meadow: Geralyn Della Cava and Kamal Mehta
Greenacres: Heather Gilchriest (Meili) and Harriet Sobol
Heathcote: Wendy Gendel and Sethu Palaniappan
Quaker Ridge: Sylvia Dundon and Jacqueline Goldstein

In addition, the proposed amendment to the SBNC governing document was approved by voters. The wording for the amendment, which speicifies that qualified voters must reside in Scarsdale for at least 30 days before an election, can be found here:

There were 525 total votes cast in the election. Fox Meadow and Greenacres each had the highest number of voters, with 121 ballots cast in each district. Edgewood had the fewest ballots cast with 67 voters. Heathcote had 104 voters. Quaker Ridge had 112 ballots cast.

This year's ten new SBNC members will join twenty others already on the committee serving staggered sbnclewisthree-year term. The committee will have its first meeting on Sunday, January 26 and by the end of March, it will nominate two candidates for the Scarsdale Board Education to fill the seats currently held by Jonathan Lewis and Sunil Subbakrishna. Messrs. Lewis and Subbakrishna are completing their first terms and are eligible for re-nomination. The SBNC Board of Education candidates, along with any other candidates who may choose to run, will be up for public election at the same time as the School Budget vote on May 20, 2014.