Sunday, Mar 09th

Update on Elementary School Enrollment for 2014-15

FoxMeadowSchoolThe cutoff date to determine the number of sections in each of the elementary school grades has now passed, and the Scarsdale Schools Administration has adjusted the number of class sections to meet the district' policy for class size, which is a maximum of 22 students in grades K-3 and 24 students in grades 4 and 5.

In order to accommodate increases in enrollment, an additional section was added for first grade at the Fox Meadow School, bringing the total to five first grades. Third grade also has an additional section at Fox Meadow, for a total of four third grade classes.

At Edgewood, one third grade class was added, for a total of four sections and a fourth section for fourth grade was added to accommodate the inclusion class. As of today, August 19, there will be 107 elementary school sections, up four sections over last year. The projected staffing for the 2014-15 budget calls for 108 sections allowing for five additional elementary school teachers over 2013-14, three at Fox Meadow.

Does this mean that there will be no oversized classes this coming school year? According to School Superintendent Thomas Hagerman, "As of the 12th (of August), when this analysis was done, and sections were updated, we were within all recommended caps. Now, just to be clear, we may still get kids in, so I can't promise that we won't reach some cap before the first day of school, but we are within or under in all sections now.