Sunday, Mar 09th

Pam Fuehrer and Art Rublin Nominated for School Board by SBNC

pamfuehrerScarsdale residents Pam Fuehrer and Art Rublin have been nominated by the 2015 School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) for election to the Scarsdale Board of Education. If elected during the general school budget vote and school board election on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, these two nominees, both from Greenacres, will fill the seats held by current board president Mary Beth Gose and board member Lewis Leone, Jr., who will complete their second and final terms. New trustees assume their roles effective July 1.

Rublin is a Managing Director and Senior Counsel at BlackRock, the asset management firm. He and his wife Erika have lived in Scarsdale for over twelve years, and have three sons – one in fourth grade at Greenacres, one in second grade at Greenacres, and one that will be entering Kindergarten in September. Rublin has a BA from Harvard College and a law degree from Columbia Law School.

He was the original founder and chair of the Coalition for the Scarsdale Schools, a group that suppors funding for education and campaigned for a "yes" vote for the Scarsdale School budget in 2013 when the budget was defeated for the first time in over 40 years.

Reacting to the news, Art Rublin said, "I am truly honored to have received the SBNC's rublinnomination. If elected, I look forward to serving a community that my wife Erika and I cherish being a part of."

Fuehrer is currently President of Scarsdale PT Council, having previously served as a PT Council officer over many different years as Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and was separately on the PT Council executive committee during her terms as President of the Edgewood PTA and President of the Middle School PTA. She has served on the board of directors for the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, the Junior League of Central Westchester, the Drake Edgewood Neighborhood Association, the Scarsdale Task Force on Drugs and Alcohol, and the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College. She holds a BA in political science from Wellesley College and an MBA with a nonprofit management concentration from Columbia Business School. Her prior work experience includes management consulting at KMPG and advisory services, health care sector at Ernst & Young. She has advocated against unfunded state mandates and for local control of testing and teacher evaluations. She lives on Eton Road with her husband Craig and their children.

She commented on the news, saying, "I am so pleased to have this opportunity and I look forward to working with next year's Board. After years of closely observing the Board, I have developed a strong desire to participate in that level of conversation on issues about which I am truly passionate. I am prepared to be open-minded, to listen, to learn, and to maintain and encourage community awareness and participation. Personally, I am quite excited because I enjoy learning about as many aspects of a topic as possible, I enjoy asking questions and hearing those of others, and I respect the discussion. Hopefully, we have a good match!"

Over the course of six meetings between January and March, this year's SBNC interviewed and conducted due diligence on all applicants. Through thoughtful discussion and careful consideration, and pursuant to the SBNC Resolution, the SBNC then judges and selects individuals "solely on their qualifications to serve the community." This practice has resulted in the nomination of Arthur Rublin and Pamela Fuehrer.

The SBNC is a committee comprised of 30 voting members and 4 non-voting members, all of whom are residents of the Scarsdale School District. The thirty voting members serve staggered 3-year terms and are elected directly by the residents of their election units, which correspond to the five elementary school neighborhoods. The 4 non-voting members consist of a Chair and Vice Chair who are selected from the previous year's graduating voting members, and one appointee each from the Town and Village Civic Club (TVCC) and the Confederation of Scarsdale Neighborhood Association Presidents (SNAP). Collectively, the SBNC undertakes the process of recruiting and vetting prospective candidates to serve as trustees on the Board of Education.

The SBNC congratulates the nominees and thanks all applicants who went through the process. The SBNC Chair Diane Baylor and SBNC Vice Chair Dana Matsushita also extend heartfelt appreciation to all the members of the 2015 SBNC who served with dedication and professionalism in furtherance of our nonpartisan system.

For more information on the SBNC, including the governing Resolution, information on the nonpartisan system, and a list of the current SBNC members, visit the SBNC website at or contact the SBNC Chair and remember to vote on May 19, 2015."