Sunday, Mar 09th

John Klemme - Principal Scarsdale High School

John Klemme, principal of Scarsdale High School has been with us for over ten years.  Here are his responses to questions posed by on the past, the present and the future of our school:

When did you start working at SHS and what was your background before coming here?

I became principal in 1998 after serving as a teacher of English and administrator in the Birmingham, Michigan school district.

What was your initial impression of the school and the community?

I remember being struck by the extraordinary achievement levels of the students here and the strong support for education in the community at large.

What was the first major challenge you faced as Principal of the school?

There was a suspension of a minority student who had been in a fight.  I quickly realized that I needed to handle the situation while communicating the fairness of the system.

Are the attitudes of students and parents different now than they were when you first started the job?

I think the college pressures that have accumulated over the past twelve years have heightened the stress levels of both students and parents.

What is the perception of Scarsdale High School statewide or nationally?

Scarsdale has always been regarded as a school district that does things differently and is not afraid to chart new territory in the interests of students.

What was one of the funniest things that ever happened at the school?

An advance team for President Clinton arranged to use our track field for his helicopter landing prior to a visit to Scarsdale.  As a courtesy, the team arranged for me to take two students to meet the President.  When he met them, he asked, “Are either of you planning to go to college?”  With 100% of our students going on for university study, I wondered if the President really knew where he was!  

How would you characterize the hiring scene for new teachers? Is the pool of qualified teachers larger or smaller than in previous years?

We are fortunate to be able to attract the very best teachers to Scarsdale.  There are subject areas in which locating highly qualified teachers can be a challenge—in science and math, for example.  

What are the major concerns of our teachers today?

I believe teachers are concerned, as we all are, about the workload on students.  We are at work on how best to address that problem.

Looking to the future, what changes, if any, do you expect to see in the curriculum in the next ten years?

We are completing our transition to an Advanced Topics curriculum for our most accelerated students.  Its purpose is to define courses of study that promote deeper, richer learning experiences.  As we continue our rollout of this program, I believe we will see similar efforts at all levels of instruction.

What issues will the high school face in the next few years?

School is a microcosm of society at large.  The issues of sustainability, ethnic and religious conflict, and war and peace will become increasingly important for students who will be adults in the 21st century

If community members have questions or concerns, what is the best way to reach you?

I can be reached through e-mail at