Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Teachers Tuttle, Braun, Gordon, and Henry to Retire

retiringteachersThe "changing of the guard" continues in Scarsdale. At the Scarsdale Board of Education meeting on Monday, May 4 the board honored retiring teachers Jeffrey Tuttle, Ronnie Braun, Nadine Gordon and Bruce Henry, who Joan Weber said, "have served our community so well."

Dr. Jeffrey Tuttle, Technology teacher for Scarsdale Middle School who will retire at the end of this year. Dr. Tuttle was lauded as a phenomenal teacher, who helped students to understand technology, and taught life lessons that extended beyond the typical reach of a classroom. Dr. Tuttle was known for his "rye sense of humor" as Middle School Principal Michael McDermott said Tuttle had a "rye sense of humor" and was calm in a potentially dangerous classroom. He had "a placid unperturbed air of calm as students besieged him with questions" and always took fair stances with his students. Within the classroom, Dr. Tuttle was known for the way he got his students involved in technology class, and his "green light" system. The green light signified a building day, and as one of Dr. Tuttle's former students, I can personally say the green light could brighten up a bad day. Dr. Tuttle catered to his students, providing extra challenges and work for those who were ahead, and providing help for anyone who needed it. He will be remembered for his achievements, and as Middle School PTA President Tracy McCarthy said, "May [his] future be filled with green lights."

Ronnie Braun will retire from the Scarsdale High School Learning Resource Center (LRC). Scarsdale students noted Braun's for her kindness and dedication. She was known for putting her students needs first, seeing them at any time in the LRC rooms, and working with their teachers to help them succeed in class and making the school a better place for everyone. Ms. Braun looked out for her own students and for all the students in the school. Amy Cooper, the President of the SHS PTA, remembered "Ronnie's passion for ALL students, not just her own" and her "dedication and compassion." High School Principal Ken Bonamo thanked Ms. Braun for her service, noting that "she has left an indelible mark on her students, and as she has often said, her students have left a mark on her as well." Ms. Braun will be greatly missed at the High School, and though I personally did not know her, I'm sure she helped shape people I knew into the great people they are today.

Art teacher Dr. Gordon, or "Doc Gordon" as her students knew her, was credited with kindness and compassionate. Her goal in the classroom was to help her students mature as people through their artwork and to learn to be professional in everything they do. Doctor Gordon challenged her students to be both their own toughest critic, and their own best supporter. She wanted her students to work hard for themselves, and to try to bring out the best in themselves. Principal Bonamo remembered Dr. Gordon for the ways in which she encouraged students to be artists, "She helps students enter outside exhibitions, often taking the work herself to these shows.... She leaves behind colleagues who have gained so much from knowing her, and a legion of students for whom she has made the arts an important aspect of their lives."

Bruce Henry, a legendary math teacher at SHS will also retire. He is known for his extensive work at the High School, and his dedication to mathematics. Even students who were not in his use his legendary review packets, which Mr. Bonamo said are "worth their weight in gold." Mr. Henry has even been a part of the development of current Scarsdale teachers, and has positively influenced current Math teachers when they were Scarsdale students. One such student turned colleague reflected on Mr. Henry's legacy, "When I came back to SHS as a math teacher, my appreciation for him as a master teacher continued to grow. Mr. Henry will be greatly missed at SHS."

All the retirees will be celebrated during a Recognition ceremony on June 2nd.